This trilogy finally grew on me

At first I didn't like it at all but gradually it just grew on me! I enjoyed watching it.
Does anyone else feel the same?


I wish, but unfortunately, no. However, I enjoyed watching the trilogy the first time anyway as disappointment does not necessarily mean the movies were terrible. I'll enjoy watching (almost) any movie on Middle-Earth. The question becomes the degree of enjoyment...but sadly, that has not increased over time and I do not see that changing.


You know, when I saw TLOR in the theater for the first time the movie didn't appeal to me at all. It seamed too long, too loud and kind of boring. A few months later I bought the book and read it, not through - about a third part in. After that I gave the movie another try and I fell for it, for the first part, mind you. The second and the third parts of TLOR were still sort of hard for me to swallow. They grew on me over the years though and now the trilogy TLOR is in my Top 10 favorite movies.
Now, Hobbit is another story. I had expected too much from it (as a lot of TLOR fans had obviously). It didn't convey the same feel and intensity as TLOR did and at first I didn't like it but I changed my mind when I decided not to be too strict and to just enjoy the movie.


It’s not abit appeal. They are poorly made in comparison to lotr.. not like they were lazy. But the rushing and insistence on cgi verything and boring bland characters (except Bilbo) mad eit junk
