
I am not a prude, but I thought it was illegal to show a person under 18, or presenting the idea they are under 18, in a sexual nature. Wouldn;t this be considered child porn?




There is nothing wrong with a woman who is over the age of 18 portraying someone younger at all in a movie or TV show. It happens all of the time. Look at some of the teen comedies a lot of the actors in the film are above the teenage years.

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You are wrong. A porn actor consistently portrayed porn stars over the of 18 who were dressed to look like young girls. He was brought into court several times and eventually served a prison sentence. Last I knew, it is definitely illegal to show any character under the age of 18 years in sexual conduct. I mean, the one girl was characterized as being 15 and having sex with a 25 year old man. And you can clearly see that she was naked. So even if it somehow isn't illegal to show a 15 year old engaging in sexual conduct, it is definitely illegal to show one doing such with a 25 year old.


An underage actress can appear nude in a film with the consent of her parents. Thora Birch was 16 when she filmed her topless scene in American Beauty. Mena Suvari was in her 20's portraying an underage teen and she also had a nude scene in the movie. So, 1 movie proved you wrong on all accounts.


Too bad Thora Birch's father fcked up her career. I guess that's what happens when your parents are former porn stars.


If this is true, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It is obviously illegal to show REAL-LIFE actresses under 18 having sex. That is totally understandable. Nudity though is not sex, but regardless underage nudity is pretty taboo in America these days ("America Beauty" came out 15 years ago).

But I can live without underage nudity just fine. What I object to is saying you can't have underage CHARACTERS in sexual situations. First off, this not realistic since the majority of people are sexually active BEFORE they turn 18. Second, you're prosecuting people for THOUGHT CRIMES. Age-of-consent laws are to protect actresses and other underage people, they're NOT to tell adults what they are allowed to fantasize about. If you show a bank robbery in a movie, they don't charge you with bank robbery. If you show multiple murders, they don't charge you with serial killing. Whether the movies "make" people really want to do these things or not is irrelevant, the point is NOBODY REALLY DID THEM.

I don't know if the porn actor thing is true (I think that's a guy named "Max Hardcore" and they arrested him for a whole lot of things), but I know for a fact they once tried to arrest somebody in America for a Japanese comic book! Yet, if you live in America, type your zip code into the sex offender registry sometime. Somehow, this bullsh!t doesn't even prevent America from leading the world in sex perverts per square mile. It might even make it worse. . .


Actually having scene this steaming pile of dung now, I'm confident NOBODY in this movie is under 20. These actors are no more 15 and 16 than Corey Feldman is really 25. This is no more illegal than "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" where 19-year-old Jennifer Jason Leigh played a 15-year-old character.

As is typical of these kind of movies today, this has a lot more crude material than an older teen film like "Fast Times", but it also has a lot less nudity. Ironically, the fear of actual nudity by "underage" characters seems to have resulted instead in a movie filled with anal sex, incest, "sea-gulling", foot fetishes, serial blow jobs, girls getting slapped around and called the "c" word that rhymes with "punt", etc. Not to mention the kind of plotting and character depth I'd expect in a 70's XXX porn movie. But thank god there was no full-frontal or full dorsal nudity by the hot 20-year-old actresses!


No actor at any age shall portray a person under 18 in the nude or in a sexual situation. Right. They tried to enforce different pieces of legislation saying so, but it didn't work. The laws were aimed at revolting porn mongers, particularly Max Hardcore. However, objectors pointed to films such as "American Beauty" as you point out, where an underage actress exposes her breasts on camera, with parental consent. You might also remember "Traffic," in which there is a particularly nasty scene in which an actress who was over 18 in real life portrays a 16-year-old having sex with a drug dealer. The laws don't really work, but prudes will always push for them.

Mr. Hardcore was one step ahead of an obscenity arrest for decades. There is a gray area in obscenity law known as "community standards." Community standards are hard to define when Joe can upload a porn in L.A. and Tom can download it in East Biblethump, Arkansas. Nevertheless, some sheriff in Florida, I think it was, filed charges against Max Hardcore and made the charges stick. I think the ACLU or whoever could have kept Max out of prison, but not a lot of lawyers wanted to defend Max too loudly. If you've ever seen one of his videos, you'll know why!


A 16 year old is not a child. Child porn is representing people 12 and under in sexual situations.


A 16 year old is not a child. Child porn is representing people 12 and under in sexual situations.

Read what you wrote. Now think about it for a minute.


If I made a fubar, I don't see it. Please enlighten me. I said that a 16 year old is not a child...and they are not. They are young adults.


Not in the eyes of the law, 16 is still a minor.


Only in the US, 16 is legal most everywhere else. In fact, 16 is legal in many states.
