Was Suprised....

...not by how good this film is becuase its not good, just passable. But by the amount of shooting/violence that it shows.


You watching it on Cartoon Network as well? I was also a little surprised by it all, especially the point blank shot to the old man's head. I mean... I don't mind seeing violence in an animated film, but should they really put that at a time when most six, seven, and eight year olds are still up watching tv?

"We're in the middle of a chase, Porthos!"
"You're right! Something red!"



I just want to know why the chick had to be naked at the end. I don't mind the nudity per se, just the lame attempts at masking it.

Like mud would ever cling like that to a body. :)


ACTUALLY, as much as naked women running around woudl titilise, I have to agree, her robes being torn off didn't make nay sense. Why was this nessisary? I suspext it was just to prove this was a mature film, and to sensually alure male viewers.


Nothing alluring about a possessed chick with an undead evil floating about her.

My invisible wife says it's okay to see digital people:)


WELL, I did say it was an attept. Otherwise, there was no reaon to have her nude.

Even if hse conveently was always cvered in shadows, or fell into much which just happened to cover certain spots.
