The Drive-In Scene?


When Parker has Mark, James, and Chasely in his car and takes them to the drive-in, they are met there by Mr. Wright. I'm guessing that this was arranged in advance by Parker and Wright.

What I don't get is why Parker lets the three of them escape from his car. And in the next scene you see Parker hunting them with his bow and arrow.

Why didn't Parker just kill them when they were in the car?

I apologize in advance if I missed something in the film that explains this. But I'm honestly confused.

Thank you.


You sort of just answered your own question; he WANTED to hunt them. Also, from a practical standpoint: 1) it would be impossible to kill 3 able-bodied people in the close confines of a car without 1 (or more) of them fleeing; and 2) you would make a bloody mess and DNA evidence disaster of your own vehicle...and this nitwit seemed to be way too infatuatex with his car to abandon it.



but why did he feel free to do this all in front of a serial killer who was being blackmailed to be there to kill him? i assume thats why the guy didnt give 2 craps when he found him dead in the junkyard.

spectre can

suck it.
