Hooray for ethnocentrism!

I loved white Jesus in this film! He's a great evangelical trainer. I also enjoyed how only two non-white characters, an Indian man and woman, appeared in the film and their appearance lasted only about 30 seconds and invovled the man scolding his wife for eavesdropping. It seemed like just about all the extras in this film were white. ETHNOCENTRISM!!!!!! I hope white blonde Jesus destorys all other religions and cultures soon!


But he had such cool long hair.


I think the white extras were coincidence and there was no agenda. The Indian scolding was so Yesh could be heard speaking a foriegn language without showing off. This set up for "how many languages do you speak?" And I think Jesus took a form that Sarah could relate to. In the first movie he appeared to the professional lawyer as a cleaned up buisness man. He appered to the artistic Sarah as a longer haired relaxed person. I also think the skin color goes with this. If Jesus wanted to relate to an African, odds are He'd apper black.


I don't think Jefferson had much say in his being born white. Since Christian films don't get bankrolled by rich atheistic Hollywood Jews, they usually resort to casting family members and friends. Not consummate actors to be sure. I mean, Lindsay Lohan playing Linda Lovelace...now that's acting...or is it? Besides, Jews are not all that dark. Even still, since no one has ever seen Jesus' Father, God Almighty, who's to say what Jesus looked like? After all, most of the people in his village thought Jesus was a bastard child. Perhaps he had blue eyes and blond hair.

You just never really know for sure, do you?

Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you




O Geez, another "poor me" professional victim trying to stir up racial strife. If you losers keep looking for indignities, how will we ever get along? Oh, I forgot, that's the plan. With no rampant racism, a lot of you would be without jobs.
