Is anyone playing...

...the role of the local tv reporter that was having an affair with David Rudolf during the investigation, before, during and after the trial? If anyone remembers the letters that were sent to the jurors during deliberations, it was her newsroom supervisors that sent them out "too early" and put the blame on her. A lot of pillow talk behind the scenes at that trial.


I didn't see Sonja Pfeifer's character portrayed. But it was common knowledge she was canoodling with the defense attorney Rudolf and I do believe she's gone on to law school since then and rumor has it they are still involved (he was married at the beginning of the trial anyway). Yeah, the big "accident" that she approached the jurors inviting them to a party BEFORE the verdict came in. yeah...right. He probably had a hand in that one just as many believe he did in the "unbelievable" last minute discovery of the item he based all his "reasonable doubt" on: the fauxpoke.


Sonya was the first reporter who contacted me with any semblence of humanity. So I am a little biased. But I do know two things:

1) She and David were genuinely attracted to each other. However, she endeavored to report a balanced account.

2) She told me that the letters really WERE an accident; she was well aware that people thought it was planned. Now it's up to you whether you believe her, but she had little reason to lie to me -- it was over coffee and off the book.

She's a cool cat. I always thought she was gorgeous, my sexuality notwithstanding. It takes one hell of a woman to turn my head.



I have to agree that it was David Rudolf's idea to use her to get that letter out when it might play to the advantage of his client. Apparently Rudolf didn't mind using the reporter since she was also using him for exclusives. And that is the affair that broke up his marriage, and they are still together last I heard.


I think after that many days in deliberations, Rudolf was getting quite nervous and hoping for a mistrial. I bet he would do alot of things differently the second time around....

Brent, I wonder how Rudolf's wife, at the time, felt when she listened to David's arguments about how Kathleen must have known about Peterson's extramarital dalliances and even condoned it. While he was cheating on HER. She was in court at least once. And he was cheating on her right under her nose. Birds of a feather I say....

And I also saw Sonja Pfeifer up close and personal and she just looked like a person with a sour puss all the time. Maybe she was dumbing down her elation for the affair. But Jean Cesarez ...she's a real beauty in person, IMO. We might have to agree to disagree on our opinions on women's beauty. ;)
