Screamfest LA '07

Boogeyman 2 will be screening at Screamfest in LA!


Just came back from the screening. Danielle Savre was fantastic! The movie was pretty good too. Very much a throw back to the old slasher movies like Friday the 13th and Halloween.



Also how big is David Gallagher's role in this film? Without being too spoilerish how did he do?


It is much different than the first. During the question and answer segment, the writer said he wanted each incarnation of the Boogeyman to be different because everybody sees the Boogeyman differently. The Boogeyman appears more towards the end of the film, though. To be honest, I was more interested in the back story of the tormented lead than her running away from the Boogeyman in the insane asylum. I think that would have made a better film. Tobin Bell had a pretty big part but he was horrible. I think they cast him because he has such a recognizable voice.
David Gallagher was on screen for a total of about 10 minutes. Not a very big role. I guess he did fine.


I thought Matt Cohen did great in his first movie role!
