A Terrific Film

I just saw this at a screening and thought it was great. The actors were all wonderful. The early 60's music and use of the most significant film clips of the Kennedy asassination were dead on. Although it is fiction, the characters seem like they could be real. The film shows the events through the eyes of a 13 year old boy who is fasinated by the sophisticated Gretchen Moll, while also giving a charming look at his life at Catholic school, and with his uptight parents



The acting is first-rate, as is the cinematography. It deals with fictional characters who are combinations of figures those of us familiar with the Kennedy era recognize. I also enjoyed who it showed the most memorable footage of events connected with the Kennedy assasination. I realize most reviews are not favorable, but most of the reviewers love cartoon action movies, rather than films rich in character and substance.


Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 18% favourable rating which is extremely low. General consensus: "With a plot both undercooked and cliche riddled, An American Affair unsuccessfully mixes a coming-of-age story and a presidential conspiracy thriller."

I guess there's no accounting for taste. Some people enjoy lousy movies.


Yeah but did you actually see the film? You make no mention of seeing it for yourself, yet you criticize people for not having taste based on someone else's review.


The reason for all the low ratings is that Hollywood is beginning to incorporate some reality into it's depictions of the circumstances surrounding the JFK assassination. Kennedy was at odds with the CIA and the military industrial complex because he was seen as soft on Cuba and communism and that lead directly to his assassination. The critics get the word from on high that this is unacceptable, even though most Americans have been well aware for a long time that this was much bigger than one lone nut - it was a whole bunch of very powerful nuts.


Roell29.....you hit the nail on the head. The masses must never be exposed to any film which deviates from the approved narrative that LHO was the lone assassin. Nice to see a film that implicates the CIA. About time as well, since anyone that has done their homework realizes the involvement of this unconstitutional agency in the tragedy that took place in Dallas.


You sound like a moron. Congrats.


You might want to try to watch a film yourself and make your own conclusions rather than relying on someone else's review. Oh wait, that would require you to actually think and analyze something for yourself. Sorry, my bad.


It's better for you to watch it, rather than to rely on others interpretation of the movie. People are not the same, after all.

Waste not, Want not.


I haven't seen it yet but will for sure, I love Gretchen Mol. I don't know her, but sure would like to. She is gorgeous.


A Great Movie. Gretchen and Cameron Bright are fantastic. He will be in New Moon (Twilight Saga). Forget Rotten Tomatoes's rate. AMG gave 2 Stars to this movie, but gave 3 Stars to Year One. Makes sense for you ? Not for me. Year One is too bad. Mel Brooks did better in History of The World. An American Affair was not made to be a Blockbuster movie. It´s a movie that shows a teenager's relashionship with his parents, with his school mates and the world. Shows also, the possible conspiracy to eliminate President Kennedy. Gretchen is superb, as always, and her performance is outstanding. She is thirty seven and still beautiful, but as a actress she improved a lot. I really liked.


The reason for such bad reviews probably arises from the fact that there WAS a really bad i997 movie of the same title. IMDb gave that one only THREE stars --
this one 5.8!! Netlix had it right, so I watched it. Happily. I stayed with it, realized a mistake had been made, and was well-rewarded with a minor gem.


Well, I think that I am in the middle of the road. Not bad, not great. Gretchen Mol was pretty good, and I can't help but think that she would have been better with a better script. I loved the Georgetown setting and cinematography for the most part. The music was well done, and I enjoyed the ending. As I already said, the script was somewhat lacking; the story was decent, but the dialogue wasn't anything to cheer about. And beyond Mrs. Mol, I didn't think much of the actors. But overall, I don't regret seeing it, and will probably watch it again a few years down the line.


I am glad that Netflix offered it on the instant replay list.
Otherwise I would have missed out.
Gretchen Mol is very sexy in this film,definitely kept my attention until the end.


I thought it was a good movie. The presidential sub-plot was quite intruiging and will keep you interested in the film. What hurts AAA is the fact that its the same ole' comming of age film we've seen so many times. Its the story about a young guy having problems at home and at school. And of course, he happens to be living next door to a really beautiful older woman, he falls for her but the difference is that this is no ordinary woman, this woman has ties to president Kennedy and might have "inside information" on the "who and why" he was killed etc...etc...

Its a good movie but I don't think I would call it terrific. I'd give it about a 6.5 out of 10. Its worth a look if anything just to see the gorgeous Gretchen Mol, she looks really good in that 60s fashion. But its not as good as the movie JFK, although it does remind me of JFK quite a bit.


I loved it!


Ditto, great movie!

Movies are Art and Art is Personal Interpretation


In an early scene, the Staffords are arguing about Mike being out of town for Thanksgiving. Adrienne is asking why he has to go to a place like Dallas for the holiday.
Actually, the President was in Texas a week before Thanksgiving. He was shot on Friday the 22nd which means that T-giving would have been the following Thursday the 28th in 1963. Always on the 4th Thursday in November.


I liked this film but found the only thing I laughed out was the over the top demented nun. Having gone to Catholic school for 12 years I thought I knew nutty nuns, but that one takes the cake.


I, too, went to Catholic schools and mine were exactly like this. What an underestimated film. Those last 45 minutes were fabulous. I will watch it again to really pull it all together. 10 stars all the way around. I was expecting a Marilyn type film. Pleasantly surprised. Marilyn was one of many.


disagree, it was a coming of age movie that never came of age, i mean the only thing that kid learned was not to stick his hands inside a woman's skirt

only Gretchen Mol made it somewhat watchable

so many movies, so little time
