On Sci-Fi Channel

Sunday, April 26th at 9:00PM


I could have spent my Sunday night on other things. This movie should have been shelved and buried 100 feet under. Poor Famke, why does she has to do crap like this.


because she doesn't get offerred many films! she takes pretty much every lead role that comes her way (she's only been the lead character in 3 movies including this one)...unfortunately, this was one of them!


Why the hate? I loved it....thought it was pretty damn amazing, but hey I am weird I guess.


Yea...why all the hate?? I loved it.


Dang I missed it. They gonna play it again or what?


I don't see it on the schedule, which is unfortunate, as I only saw part of it when it ran. Isn't that the way these networks always do it - run the stuff you want to see once, but run the crap you don't care about 5 times a day.


I think they said the DVD is available today (Tuesday April 28, 2009) so you should probably be able to rent it somewhere. There were some things that could have been done better, I guess, in this film. But hey! Do you watch a movie to be entertained or to be convinced? I enjoyed it, and I thought the leading lady was very good. First time I've seen her in a film, I think.


It is not on dvd, only in 2 vdeo stores, a official release is coming


first time you've seen Famke Janssen in a film? wow... Famke is in the top 25 actresses in the last decade in terms of box-office. She's been in the three X-men films, Taken, Goldeneye, and tv shows including Star Trek, Ally McBeal, Melrose Place, Nip/Tuck....

so, you've prob seen her somewhere!


I'm roughly the same age as she is, but believe it or not, I hadn't seen the lovely FJ on-screen myself until about 2004! I saw House on Haunted Hill on TV, and when I saw her in the bubble bath, my eyes got big, so I decided to watch the rest of the film. When I saw her in that dress, I just silently mouthed, "Oh, wow...". By the end, I was hooked on FJ, even if she played a fairly repulsive character (but played it well, and looked hotter than a two-dollar pistol in all of her scenes).

Now, I specifically look for things with her in them, because not only is she a welcome visual treat, but she can actually act well, and the combination of those two traits is all too rare.


yes she is very nice to look at. i too remember being stunned by her beauty when i first saw her...and yes, her looks got her into Hollywood, but she's managed to stay relevant based on her talent- it's not often that non A-list actresses over 40 get roles



it's on right now too! on syfy.

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