The bag of money...

How much do you think was in there?


I think the bills were 10s, it was hard to tell, I'd guess anywhere between $100,000-$500,000




None. because it wasn't real money. Just paper painted to look that way.


100 bills in stacks of 100s, 10,000 a roll. She had at least 50 stacks, 5 million minimum. I donts be thinking id be giving that money away. Wate it out and be free with all that loot.


I would have taken some to start over and given the rest to the police to expose her husband for being a dirty cop.

The church? PLEEEEAAAASSSEE. Bastard wouldn´t even bless her house after she gave him all that loot. :)

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


I was surprised the priest didn't bless her house. He acted very strange too. It made it seem like he was a crook and would keep the money for himself.
