MovieChat Forums > Love Happens (2009) Discussion > language behind paintings?

language behind paintings?

What language were the "obscure words" from? At first I though they were from the native Indians of Washington State, but they sound a little Classical Latin as well. Were they made up for the film?


The language is english. Some of the origins are Latin, but the words used in the movie are in the english language.


How did writing odd words on walls fit with anything in this film? Why would she do that at all?

And why would he guess that a woman who does the flowers in his hotel - is the one who writes graffiti?

And why would she pretend she was deaf instead of saying "I don't want to talk to you"? In fact, why WOULDN'T she talk to him? She hadn't broken up with her boyfriend at that time -she was presumably in love with her boyfriend - why was she so deceitful to Eckhart? So mean?

Why wouoldshegooutwith this guysheso dislikeson sight- just because he guessed she wrote the graffiti? I don't understand it. Wouldn't she be terribly embarrassed someone found out? Worried they might tell the hotel and her contract will be terminated for writing on walls? And all this when she's supposed to be terribly, deeply hurt THAT DAY, isn't she?

And after their date, when she tells him he was "awful" (when he's trying to apologize for being uncommunicative- but she had been EQUALLY so) - why is she so mean to him? Why not say, "Oh, it went fine. I didn't speak much either. Don't worry about it!"?

What is the moral in the last scene with the cockatoo refusing freedom and returning to what's familiar and safe, where he's fed by others? I'd have thought this was antithetical to the film. "Afraid of flying? Then return to where you're trapped but safe". That's the last scene?

I really don't understand this movie.


Yes, thank you! I was wondering about the exact same things.
I just watched the movie today - there's two hours and five euro I'll never get back - and I don't understand any of the motives these characters have. Why she writes on walls, how she can be over her boyfriend within a day, why she first rejects him so brutally and then does have dinner with him, why in the world Martin Sheen signed on for such a small, insignificant part. I'm left with so many questions.


I didn't understand why she said he was "awful" at the date. She was equally awful too. She didn't make any effort at all.

I also didn't understand why she wrote the words behind the paintings but I suppose it was to make her charachter "cooky". I personally thought Jennifer Aniston was too old to be playing someone who dates musicians.

What happens in the meadow at dusk? NOTHING!, EVERYTHING!
