Too close to home...

What else can I say? Title says it all ... however I must add the following, lucikly there are still people out there that have not experienced a loss that hits so close to home that simply makes one numb, alone and hurt beyond words. Time does not heal any wounds, but with time one adopts to their surroundings and literally learns how to act around people.
This movie has touched me so deep that by the end of it, my eyes were inflamed.
All actors involved were absolutely amazing, Jennifer played such a genuine soul that simply wanted to "be there" for this emmotional wreck portrayed by Aaron Eckhart (and he also did a great job). The scene where he was talking about picking out "paint colors" is the one that got to me. So many of us take this little time we have here for granted and before we know it - tragic things happen.
The plot of this movie is absolutely great (wouldnt surprise me if it was based on a true story), acting was at its best, however I repeat, for the lucky ones that have not experienced a loss of a loved one this movie may seem a bit slow or something to that effect but for me, it simply wasnt long enough!

- I've spent 14 years of my life living in a fear that I will die alone, but I've come to realize that my fear is not that I will die alone, my fear is that I will live this life with the people that make me feel alone. -


Yeah, I loved this movie. I wasn't expecting a number of things in this film and then there were the quirks (like the words, the parrot) that made it even better.

It was interesting how it shifted around (as you say).

Thoroughly glad I watched this.


This is the best post I've seen so far on this board. I agree that people who haven't experienced loss and those who are closed-off emotionally won't really see the point of this film or realize its brilliance. They focus on things such as the parrot or other props, rather than understanding the process of grief portrayed in this film.

Imagination is everything. It's a preview of life's coming attractions.


I have watched this movie in the past but couldn't remember how it ended. I don't know why I watched it again today, knowing that it concerned grief. It's been on my DVR for almost two months! Maybe my late son willed it. I can now align myself with Walter. Thank you so much for your post Srki_M. I'm trying to learn how to act around people. I couldn't have said that any better than you did. I know that if I outlive my husband, I'll die alone. Thank you for pointing out the purpose of this movie.
