
I just found out that the show was cancelled. Does anyone know why?


It probably had a lot to do with low ratings and/or it being an absolutely dreadful show.


I was a huge fan of the show too and disappointed to see it go.

"When Cameron was in Egypt-Land, let my Cameron go." -Ferris Bueller's Day Off


Which network aired this show?


Well, as someone who tuned in to the show excited for something new and great and ended up hating it, here are some reasons I believe the show didn't make it. People may disagree, but they're just my opinions.

First of all, every other sentence mentioned sex. I'm not a prude, and I don't care if there's sex in the show. But it's like the writers saw the success of "Sex and the City" and said, "Gee, if every other sentence out of the mouths of the characters is about having sex, women will like this!" I felt like they were shoving it down my throat, and as a women, I was a bit offended. I want a bit more character development than "He won't have sex with me! I do this when I have sex! Are you having sex with that guy? Also, my family was watching the show with me because we expected a funny family comedy from the previews... and they were all bored to tears.

Second, too much junk happened in the first episode. And by junk, I mean drama. They didn't allow for much character development, so when it came time for each character to have their respective breakdown and crisis about their position in life, in the FIRST EPISODE, I found it hard to care. I don't care if that guy is your ex-husband, why are you bringing in this drama now? So you don't want to be a wedding singer, save the crisis for a later episode. I want to get to know the characters before anything huge happens to them so I actually care when it does. In a setting of a drama/comedy, it's good to put out the comedy first to hook people, then bring in the drama to keep them. Unfortunately, the only funny moments in the pilot episode were the ones we'd seen a billion times in the previews.

So yeah, not enjoyable for me. I know a lot of people loved it, which is great for them. But I think there's a reason viewership dropped off so quickly. The show had a GREAT concept and great potential but the writing was... untrying. It's like the writers cared more about vomiting up a popular dramedy for women rather than crafting a truly wonderful and quality show, and it bit them in the butt. In the end, this is one woman who wasn't fooled. And the men in my family certainly weren't interested either. They ended up alienating everyone. Grats to them.

Am I speaking to Miranda now...?


People just dont support anymore. Its all about ratings. This and Drive, Six Degrees, The Nine and The Black Donnely's where all good shows that just didnt not get the right time slot, or the chance to grow on people.

"Could You Kill Your Best Friend?"
