cringing already

Tonight's episode: "Penny tells her co-workers Bernadette is pregnant, not knowing Bernadette was trying to keep it a secret."

I can already hear Bernadette screaming at Penny or bursting into crocodile tears

Don't hate on contrarians


Y'know, one of the funniest things I've seen on these boards was when someone changed their signature line to "Hate on contrarians."



who did that? It's been mine for a long time

Don't hate on contrarians


This ep was better than last week, but that's not saying much. I didn't find any of the Penny/Bernadette interaction funny at all. They were both slightly funnier with Amy, but together? Zero.


You didn't notice? It was one of those threads where you were disagreeing with most of the other posters. And then someone started using "Hate on contrarians" as their signature. (Not DON'T hate on contrarians, which is yours.)


Oh, then i'm flattered! That means I really got to someone! 

Don't hate on contrarians


Oh, then i'm flattered! That means I really got to someone!

Or maybe it meant they started seeing you as just a character from The Argument Clinic.


otter68 wrote:

That means I really got to someone!
I have long suspected that is what you are trying to do.I am glad to see that you have finally admitted it.Hate on contrarians as they are really trolls.


It didn't sound like from the writing the Penny/Bernadette interaction was supposed to be funny. Actually I got a serious Monica/Rachel vibe from the whole thing, but that might be because of how many times Penny used the word 'honey'.

A couple of reviews liked how the episode brought up the topic of problems women have in the workplace.
