Funniest bit of the night

"The Death Star in Star Trek," and Sheldon's reaction

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau


I thought his reaction to Howard being "the brains" was actually funnier. For me, it hit that perfect sweet spot of being hilarious without being too over the top in the way his Death Star reaction was.


Sheldon is the only reason I watch. Jim is amazing. I didn't find a whole lot funny in that ep, but he pulled off some great scenes.


I loved Bernadette's McDonald's comment. "Who goes to McDonald's and orders fruit?" LOL!


Bernadette saying she's been dropping hints by leaving all the dove wrappers behind, then Amy said "where did you get Dove wrappers..and Bernadette replied "from ALL THE DOVE bars i've been funny.

All Hail Zorg
