So happy I bought this movie!
This movie is without a doubt one of the scariest movies of the year!
It's genuinely creepy! Something creepy/scary happened literally every 2 minutes. It was so awesome!
Loved it! Definitely recommended!

The Fields


Something creepy happened every 2 minutes? This thing was as slow as they come...I fast-forwarded a few times and it was the same scene, nothing happened. Sorry I just don't agree with that.

It really left the ending for anyone to expand on for themselves. Nothing was spelled out for you, that was kinda cool. Everyone has their own ideas on what happened!

you have now officially lost your mind!



I liked it too, very much! I prefer gothic fiction over recent horror genres. I can never understand why people say this is slow paced, I liked the buildup (though I had a few problems with certain scares, some of it was just too overindulgent & a bit tacky IMO), I liked the pacing & I definitely liked the conclusion. The only problem I had with this is that it needed a tighter editing & script but other than that, it's one of my favorites!



i agree!! never heard of it before but hired it out at the video shop tonight as there was literally nothing else i could find. and it suprised me by how great it was, one of the scariest moves ive seen in a long time. had me covering my eyes for most of it haha. wish the ending showed more, like the next day or something at least haha. but overall loved it!

In Your Box Office . com


I liked it too. The ending was too abrupt & needed more time definitely. But the film was MUCH better than I thought it would be.
It put an original spin on the classic ghost story, and that was very intelligently done.
The film did need tighter editing & script though, it left you with too many questions regarding Bobby's fate.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
