Ok movie

I was born in Monterrey where this movie was filmed. I lived there only after a year been born and the only reason I got this movie was to look at the city in the film. I started watching it late at night almost falling asleep and honestly the first few minutes seemed dull and dumb but then I noticed the dialogue to the story was been told by the songs played, which is not even my music of choice. And I thought, well is something different to me. As the movie looked like a mute one it made my brain wonder around about the outcome of the story keeping me interested and noticing I wasn't sleepy anymore. There was a scene where the guy is sitting in a corner across where the girl he's chasing works, he is waiting for her to appear, then I made a comment that he looked like a dog waiting for his owner and suddenly they show a dog right after I made the comment as if they intentionally compared him to a dog, it was funny as we all started laughing. It was a fun movie to watch along with the sex scenes made it kind of interesting. Not to be watched with minors though.


This film is not for everyone but I dug it. That Fernanda García Castañeda was cute so I give her two thumbs up. But i really liked the way the story was told through song and how dialog was kept to a minimal


I really enjoyed the movie as well and agree that Fernanda was cute. I do have to say though, I thought her clothes, and particulary most of the pants she wore, were very lame, baggy, boyish, and plain stupid looking. When she was dancing in those, it was hard to be girlish and sexy with such stupid looking pants.



Gotcha. Sort of assumed that given the levels of society we were looking at, there would be juvenile and lame paths these kids took. Obviously, the clothing was one aspect of that.


thats the way that the "colombianos" dress if yoU come to monterrey yoU will see people like that with the long ass sidebUrns and the weird ass hair styles,.,.,.,


What do you mean by "colombianos"? Is that what they call people who like cumbia in Monterrey?
