
does anyone know the soundtrack listing for this film? I was busy working on something while this movie was playing in the background and I heard a song I liked so if anyone can tell me I'd be grateful.


I would also like to know.


My friend's band, Jet Set Satellite has a song in the movie (it's played when one of the characters is running through the forest) and the song is called 'Belonging'. That particular song isn't here, but they have quite a few other songs up at:


As the other poster pointed out, the song you're thinking of is "Belonging" by Jet Set Satellite, which is played almost completely at the beginning of chapter 4 on the DVD. The song's on youtube; check it out.


Kinda funny - this movie was terrible (but I knew that going in and still enjoyed moments of it quite a bit), but there was some great music in it!


The blond was pleasing to look at as well. In fact, the two main protagonists were worthy (her and the guy with the angular face). Unfortunately, there was at least 40 minutes of dreadfully boring padding. The film would have been effective at about 45 minutes (i.e. a one-hour show with commercials). But, as it is, it's just way too long and boring.
