MovieChat Forums > Cleaner (2008) Discussion > It was good until....

It was good until....

Samuel L did his partner dirty. i mean why would a once dirty cop who had help from this guy in killing his wifes murdere, all of a sudden be mr. johnny do-right?? especially since it would have been such an easy cover up working with vargas...his kids god-parent and all.

wait aminute no it was good until they dreamed up the baby miscarriage

too bad.



what a prick......

Everybody smash up your seats and rock to this brand new beat


I agree! I thought he was dirty to do that


His daughter was in danger, quite obviously. I thought the scene when Eddie arrived at his home with Rose instead of showing up to meet Tom and Vargas made that quite obvious.

The cover-up would have never happened. There was no love lost between Eddie and Vargas.

Did you even _watch_ the movie?

I thought you said that you'd come find me, I thought you said you'd be home by now.


His ex-partner murdered a man and (if that was not enough) was mentally unbalanced. Sam may have had problems and have succumbed to pressures in order to get OUT of police work, but he was, as he stated, trying to get away from all that. It seems implied to me that Harris's character was just about as dirty as Vargas (though not necessarily a part of the department scandal) and much crazier.

There was a reason Sam Jack wasn't taking his calls.


Samuel L did his partner dirty. i mean why would a once dirty cop who had help from this guy in killing his wifes murdere, all of a sudden be mr. johnny do-right?? especially since it would have been such an easy cover up working with vargas...his kids god-parent and all.

Didn't see it that way but now i kinda have to agree.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²
