deans son

So I'm about 4 episodes in the recent season an in the very first episode they said his son jacks coming to live with them. So where is he? Cuz even if he didn't want to be on camera they'd have to eventually show him with what they do or say why he wasn't there. Does he come in later episodes?


Jack's Mom decided to move back to LA. So He divides his time between the two households. Perhaps He just spends the entire time they are filming with his Mom?

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would be refreshing if his mother did not allow him to be on the show


The son's mother seems like a pretty ordinary person. She has stated that she is trying to raise him without hype. She said she has problems with the expensive clothing Dean seems to think the kid needs- like $500 jeans.


His face is always blurred out during the show. His mother has stated that she doesn't want him to be ID'd on the show and therefore, when he is on the show, his face is blurred and if you'll notice, going up the stairs in the house where the family pics are, the one of Tori, Dean, Liam, Stella and Jack, Jack's face is blurred out in that photo every time the camera shows it in the background or anything.

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thanks for the info...I have to look for that now.

"Could I BE any more entertaining?"...Chandler Bing
