't' or 'mantime'

a toss up which dean phrase is more ridiculous sounding.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


"T" def.!!! I have always thought it was annoying how he always has nicknames for everyone, and ALWAYS calls them that. First of all, nicknames are cute, yes, but for (1) for a guy? not so cool, and (2) to ALWAYS refer to them as the nickname is weird. To fit it into a conversation, and tease someone w/a nickname or to call Tori "T" as a cute pet name, OK. But even when he's serious, he calls her and others by their respective nicknames. "Scoutie"...that's gotta be the worst. I commented similarly about this topic, in respect to Guiliana DePandi and Bill Rancic on their board. They call each other by their last names constantly. It def. doesn't add anything to the romance dept., as if there's anythig [that I can see, at least] there. They seem more like 'buds'.


good pickups all around here. the way they talk to each other. sounds like the way people talk at my work. they sound like co-workers! tho, the $2,504.32 question is. whom do they work for?

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"
