
Obviously no one ever told Tori... The way you get him is the way you'll lose him.
She got just what she deserved. She broke up a marriage and took a husband/father away from his wife and child. And now the same thing has happened to her.
Dean is a lying cheating POS. And Tori got exactly what she deserved

I wish these guys would stop jumping


I don't like to see anyone cheated on but I agree. She should've seen this coming.

We live by the Sun, we feel by the Moon


Well, when you're dumb as crap, there's no reason she could have seen this coming


I know this is old but how could she not? He has poor morals if he can cheat on his spouse and leave them. So, duh, of course he can do it again. It's his shtick now.

★ That cat got one look at your beepy life and said, "No beep thanks man I'm outta here"
