MovieChat Forums > Conjurer (2008) Discussion > Ummm... yeah this movie pretty much SUCK...

Ummm... yeah this movie pretty much SUCKS

I think Bowen and Bahns have got the potential to be decent if they had better direction, script, and cinematography. That said, the only thing that kept me going was Maxine is so incredibly hot and I was hoping against hope there would be some kind of closure in the end. The ending didn't make sense. The movie didn't make sense. It was a worse than B cast besides Andrew and Maxine. I would like to see more of them in the future.


I thought Tom Nowicki was the only one who did a credible job and his was not one of the main parts. I agree though the poor script worked against the actors.


I have to agree with you
This movie is so bad.
I watched this movie becouse someone wrote this:
8 out of 8 people found the following comment useful:-
A surprisingly good American ghost's about time!, 13 October 2008
So i'm asking: What ghost story ? It could be very good movie but it wasn't.



yeah but im guessing people like you think all movies suck


Why would you think that? There are a lot of movies I absolutely love, and let me tell you- it really doesn't require much to be better than this piece of Sh*t! What was it about this movie that you found so appealing?... wait let me guess... you are somehow affiliated with the production. If that's the case I would consider switching professions if I was you, if that's not the case than you are just a tool.


everyone has their opinion. I was not affilated with the production and liked it...calling it a p.o.s. is your review but it's won five film fests and sold to Showtime so clearly others don't agree. I read the producers made it for five hundred grand....a whole lot better than much bigger studio pics.


You still didn't explain why people like me don't like any movies. Tool.
