Season 3 Cliffhanger

*******SPOILER ALERT******

Seriously, they just end the show like that? No resolution? I spent all that time on a REALLY good show, with interesting plots and good acting, and I'm left like this. I kind of feel betrayed by the CBC or whomever it was who canceled the show like that.


Your not the only one. Id been working my way through the show via Netflix and blamo. I wish now I hadnt watched the final episode of Season 3 now. It could have easily just been cancelled and ended with the episode prior and be ok with it. Would have been a thud ending but wouldnt have left a arseload of hanging situations like they did by cancelling the show with it ending like it did with the MS-13 good staring through the window. I do have to admit I had held out hope Mannering finally had gotten his head out of his keister on this episode after being a thorn in ICS' side for 3 seasons coming back and back like a rash with the realization that Kessler was right all along about the drug gangs after the murder of the RCMP officers and the 2 prisoners by MS-13 right after leaving ICS HQ..


The thing that pissed me off, both this and Being Erica didn't know if they were going to be back or not for the following season. Being Erica wrapped up what could have been a finale, but was brought back. This, was left on a cliffhanger and cancelled.

R.I.P. America, 1776 - 2008.
Cause of death: Suicide.


Yea I feel like watching the whole second half of season 3 was just a huge waste of time. Such a good show too that got cancelled way too early
