MovieChat Forums > In the Night Garden... Discussion > Is Piggle a boy or a girl?

Is Piggle a boy or a girl?

Upsy Daisy - girl

Pontypines - a family - mum, dad, 4 girls, 4 boys (assume whatingers are the same)

Makka Pakka - androgenous animal (s/he has a tail)

Tombliboos - definately (in my opinion) androgenous. No way they'd get away with having the three of them in bed together

Iggle Piggle - I've made the assumption he's a boy on the strength of his relationship with daisy but the mrs, who I've been debating this with says not necessarily. This troubles me

Any thoughts????

We only watch this because our 2 year old loves it..... honest


He's a boy. The narrator refers to him as 'He's lost his blanket' in one of the new episodes. Hope this clears it up for ya!

'It's better to burn, than to fade away' - Kurgan


Yeah, I agree ... he's definitely a boy. If Iggle Piggle were a girl, then we'd have to worry about her continually hitting on Upsy-Daisy, quite frankly. This ain't the place to promote lesbian relationships.


Tombliboo Ee was referred to as "she". Personally, I think she grows up to be Marylin Monroe.


> Tombliboo Ee was referred to as "she". Personally, I think she grows up to be Marylin Monroe.

She's definitely the odd Tombliboo out. Have you noticed how Unn and Ooo sleep facing each other while Enn lies excluded at the end, the gooseberry?

Definitely the fuzzy end of the lollipop for her!


LOL! Never heard that expression before! :) A virtual pint for you, sir!


Iggle Piggle's a boy. The narrator says things like "he's lost his blanket".
