Beckwild is a fake

She only talks with a blaccent on tv in real life she sounds like a valley girl.





I love her. She rocks! I hope she does win.


i predict she finishes 3rd



thank you


lmfao its BUCKWILD.



Her fake image though is borderline racist I am surprised she don't get called out on it.


I don't think she's fake, cause I've seen it before. But I do think it's stupid.

Death Awaits You



i like both of them, who cares. let people talk how they want. like Brandi M. she cant help that she has a raspy voice. but then again ,maybe its from smoking cigarettes. idk. and who cares if she's a tom boy thats her and thats how she feels comforatable. and drinking, she obviously just does it to loosen up. then again im just saying all of this because im bi, lol


How Buck Wild and White Boy talk isn't the same as Brandi M. Having an involuntary raspy voice. They're faking their accents. If they were teenagers I'd understand, but these people are grown adults. It's funny though and fits right in with the retardation required to star in these shows.

And that, as they say, was that...


Corey that is offensive to the physically diabled people of america to use that word.


DPOM, I agree.
And where's the ~bristle~ in someone being named "Whiteboy"?
Had Bret on ROL called Erin or Roxanne "Blackgirl" there would have been an uproar.
The level of double standards people live by is disgusting.

Alice abuses Bella with beauty products
Jasper: He knows his way down south
