Worldfest Houston 4/26/07

I just saw the world premiere at Worldfest Houston last night ( I would be shocked if it didn't end up on the Sci-Fi Channel soon. It is well produced and the director did a fine job. He was at the viewing and said we were his "guinea pigs".


Thanks for letting us know about this! Did Mr.Winning say anything about a possible SCIFI channel airdate for this movie? I would really love to see it!


I didn't stay for the Q&A after the movie as it was played fairly late. I just caught a few comments before the film.



Unfortunatly not....just the director. It seems like he is pretty good friends with Hunter Todd (he's the festival director). It's a fairly small festival though it's been around for 40 years. Worldfest Houston gave Speilberg, Lucas, Ridley Scott, Ang Lee, David Lynch and the Coen Brothers their first venue and awards among others. Sorry I don't have anything too exciting to report. They were trying to compare it to The Shining, but that's a stretch. It just never achieves a truly eerie feel. It does take place in a hotel in the middle of nowhere and there are a few genuine scares, but that's as far as the similarities go...

