The ending??

I missed the ending. Can someone please tell me what happened after Dr. Connolly showed Khali & Father Doug the slime? Thanks!

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"


Khali & Father Doug went to investigate the origin of the slime and while in the tunnel,Father Doug had an hallucination of Khali falling into the slime and dying-of course,it was only an hallucination and he was able to save her after she threw the mystical pendent into the slime. Later,in the ambulance,he told her he was going to South Dakota to minister to her people(remember she was Native American)and wanted her to come with him. They then kissed. Then,the old professor who didn't believe the slime was harmful met his fate,thanks,presumbly,to the slime.


They kissed??? I thought he was a catholic priest???


No,he was an Epsciopalan priest(I hope I spelled that right). Khali assumed he was a Catholic priest when they first met(the clerical collar and all)but he told her later that her assumption was wrong.


Thanks for clarifying


Yep, that must be the only thing that made sense in this mess. (It is explained clearly that, being Anglican, he can have a wife and kids. Not as if it told you the ending…-)


Finally a movie corrected the "all Christians are Catholic" tvtrope.
