MovieChat Forums > Blonde and Blonder (2008) Discussion > Just saw Pamela Anderson on Jay Leno

Just saw Pamela Anderson on Jay Leno

And she said that proceeds from the movie in theatres will go to Peta. I don't know about you guys but that seems like a reason to not go to the movie in theatres. I mean if enough people see this movie, we may never eat hamburgers again, and I frankly don't like that idea.


The weirdest thing was that she neglected to mention Bob Clark died


What have you got against PETA? You like cruelty to animals?


I was half joking. Actually I don't think cruelty to animals is right but I think PETA takes things way too far with cruelty to animals. I honestly don't think hunting should be outlawed and I believe that we should be able to eat a nice meal without worrying about the fact that they are dead animals. Of course they are dead, I wouldn't eat a living animal. Also the thing I believe that many environmentalists fail to notice is that we are also part of the ecosystem therefore we have the right to eat meat. We weren't just some spontaneous things that came in and said "Oh look let's be barbaric and not let the ecosystem survive." The fact is we are part of the ecosystem, therefore we have rights to affect it, and we do affect it positively too. We have our ways of survival (I believe this is as Darwin put it survival of the fittest) as well as animals. Well part of my way of survival is by eating animals.

Another thing that environmentalists fail to notice is the fact that hunting actually does affect our ecosystem positively, and that there are even rules to make hunting more humane. Populations of animals can get way overpopulated, and hunting actually serves as a way to control it. Don't ask me how, I've heard this from different people who have educated me on this subject and I never actually took time to research it but I'm sure if you are actually interested and you don't want to take my word for it, you can find some literature on this subject.

I don't think cruelty to animals is right, I just think that Peta doesn't always know what's right, and they tend to take things way too far.

