Old and Older

I am almost unable to speak....ALMOST.
I thought that this movie would at least be cute, perhaps a "Romy and Michele’s" (as yes, I really like that movie) type thing, boy was I disappointed.

For one, people are correct; Denise is not blond in the movie. Two, both Pam and Denise look really old, tired and haggard; the budget must have been too small for good makeup and airbrushing. Three, they didn't even look like they were having fun so how are we expected to? Four, was there even a script, if there was someone please hit that person with a shovel.

There was such potential with the concept (minus the whole "cat" thing as that was REALLY bad) of two dumb blond chicks attempting to get a job. So why did they feel the need to attempt a "Dumb and Dumber" thing with the money (that we did not even get to see them spend in a girly goofy blond way) and attempt at intrigue? Who knows? Certainly not the actors, they were walking around like they hadn't read the script to realize that they were supposed to be happy bubbly blonds. (I won't start at the whole "cat" thing as it would take a novel to complete, poor Megan Ory I really like her, so sad.) And what was with the stupid mobsters and stupider cops? Totally random and ridiculous, but not in a good way. With the 4 pairs of morons running around it should have been called, stupid and stupider and dumb and dumber and lame and lamer and notablond and blonder.

I just could not find a redeeming feature in this movie. AND I TRIED.
"Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean people aren't following me"



"Abraham Lincoln once said, 'If you are a racist I will attack you with the north'"


Harsh. Not completely unfair, but harsh.



there are kinds of blond there is light and Dark blond.. Denis just has dark.. it's not brown and it's not redhead.. it's "dark blond"

i loved your post.


You are absolutely correct, but to be honest, I thought the only thing remotely funny were the stupid cops and the mobsters - oh, and maybe that part with Hong Wong where he send Hugo to find Eye - but they even overplayed that by a lot!
Lol, and I even put up a spoiler-warning like anyone will be angry I spoiled the only joke in the movie!

Call me Joe...or Stallion, whatever, I don't mind...


good. I'm glad that I cut it off after 2 minute. seems i didn't miss anything. I wouldn't have started watching it had I know it was rated PG-13


I never planned on watching this movie....I was watching Jay Leno and Pam was on it about a month back....promoting the film. She mad it sound completely absurd...I didn't realize that she was completely moronic...but she is. After she said her brother wrote/produced it from his cell phone not on location.....and that they filmed the movie in 10 days(completely serious).....I figured, hey, this is a pile of shiat.....10 days for a film shoot, w0w! Must of got every shot right the first time, hahaha.....at least she said the proceeds go to a charity or something.....probably a lie.

Anyhow, how do films like this get created? I really want to know...I want to get into the film industry and am pretty sure I could direct something better with less money.......


The scribes speak of having a script ready and shopping it around to producers, usually at film festivals (Sundance and Tribeca would be good places to try, though they also say that Cannes has the most deals of any festival by far, somewhere around 80%). It'd be fairly hard to do without a producer/production company helping for your first film, as you'd need to find finance and locations and all that crap. I think you can also find financing at festivals if you want to produce it yourself. It'd be a good idea to make a short film first, probably in a similar style to what you want to make as a feature, so that you have an example of your work that won't take up too much of peoples' time (time is money, etc.) and it won't cost much. You could do it with some friends and a DigiVidCam and edit it yourself on your computer (you could ask on http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000017/threads/ about the best software for your purposes). But it must be good: it's your resume. It represents you. It'd be a good idea to have some copies of it on DVD to give people. To get some exposure for it and to judge its quality you'd enter it in a film festival (close to where you live so it's cheap to go and talk to people about it and your future projects if the subject arises). Not all festivals have short film sections so you'll have to research that.

If you have any questions, please post back. I won't guarantee that I'll know the answers though.



hehe i'm also very glad that i turned off the tv after 5 minutes ... the only reason why i was interested was because of pam, but she was looking terrible in that movie and i don't understand why they didn't use more/better makeup to make her look hot ... but even if she would have looked hot in that movie, i wouldn't have been able such a *beep* movie
