MovieChat Forums > Blonde and Blonder (2008) Discussion > the first time i saw blonde and blonder

the first time i saw blonde and blonder

the first time i saw blonde and blonder, my freind and i were on the floor laughing our butts offf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ehm, are you like 5 or so ? This so-called movie was an epic failure, I don't even think that 5-years old would laugh at this *beep* Worst movie I've ever seen in a cinema.


Exactly. I laughed like, once.



Yeah it's definitely one of those 'so bad its good movies', I'm watching it now and I can't believe they even attempted some of these ridiculous lines and scenes. I mean c'mon farting turtle jokes?! It's cracking me up how stupid it is.

That being said I could happily watch Denise Richards doing anything, even a two hour movie of her sleeping would be entertaining.

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.
