Highest combo?

my highest combo is 4500000 odd, and i bailed on a 5 million combo :S

whats everyone elses?


I remember when i found it hard to reach 100,000 on Tony Hawks 2 (The second TH Game made). Of course, that was a long time ago xD
I managed to get a combo of 4 million, but like yourself i bailed on a higher combo.


I'm no pro but for a chick I can pull off a 640000 =[ I must suck compare to everyone else lol

We're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. -Tyler Durden [Fight Club]


i got 5500000 (five hundred fifty million) on crete park with p rod.


Don't want to brag, but my current high score for this game is just over the 5,100,000. Which was a very nice 35+ trick combo.
Still for THPS4 I managed to land a 12,000,000 combo on one of the extra levels. That was mightly impressive 50+ trick combo.
I was nervous about blowing the combo but wnated to keep going too see how far I could push it.
