MovieChat Forums > Nanking (2007) Discussion > Chinese soldiers have to take blame for ...

Chinese soldiers have to take blame for the event!

Chinese should seriously wise up from this event. I'm not saying that Japanese soldier weren't evil fckers! Sure...blame it all on the aggressor, but think of it this way...

Chinese soldiers actually outnumber the Jap vastly ( Don't believe me? go check yourself). Get some balls and fight. Why surrender without a fight? What worst is that they mingled with cilivian, getting them into all those troubles...see how gutless they are. I firmly believe that the armed forces of a country reflects on that country's value and culture...Need I say more?

I'm sure that pple are going to say, how are you going to fight without enough weapons? Go guerrilla, drown the Jap with spit. Going to die anyway, make it count. I'm sure it's going to be a very different if they didn't have the mentality of "every man for himself"

And look how quiet China is about this matter, if not for pple like Iris Chang, who is going to notice? If I'm the Jap, of course, I'm going to denied it all...not all asshle are stupid, ok.

Now with the strong economic and all, it time to grow some balls and make those Jap ass PAY! And I'm not talking abt war, you stupid!

Instilling hatre is so much fun!



its amazing how easily stupid posts can be reduced if only people did a little more reading into what they are commenting on.

you claim they 'surrender without a fight'. they didn't. there was fighting all the way from Shanghai to Nanking. Shanghai itself was basically a defense for nanking, and they poured pretty much all of their resources into the city. the fighting was so intense at shanghai that the Chinese army was to never recover from the ordeal and fight at the level they did in 1937-1938

sure 'Chinese soldiers outnumbered the japs vastly', but they had no air force or navy, not even tanks or proper anti-armor weapons. numbers dont count for much. if i was to choose between a 10 man group with artillery, air support and naval support or a group of 1000 men with rifles (yes they can each have a rifle, which wasnt the case for the Chinese), id still choose the 10 man group any day. hell, ill make the other group 5000 and ill still make the same choice. it really show u have no knowledge of modern warfare and is simply making comments on assumption

a mentality of 'every man for himself'? again u show ur ignorance. if you have read about any accounts or docos on the battle of shanghai, u would know how the Chinese soilders were like. Chinese platoons would charge in the face of intense atillary fire with no regard for their lives. entire battalions were destroyed within mins yet it did not stop the Chinese from continued fighting. in fact, Chinese high command was frustrated because orders for retreat were often ignored at NCO (thats non-commissioned officers.) level and the soldiers would rather die than move back an inch.

and finally to the troops hiding within civilians. the soldiers that would have survied that long till Nanking were prabably not the type to charge around being gung ho. not saying that these soldiers do not deserve our utmost respect but after months of intense fighting coupled with the fact that they were losing, i dont think they would have the energy to resist much more. and anyway, they probably began hiding within the civilians in orders so that they could mount insurgencies within the city after the occupation.

its all very easy for u, sitting comfortably at home behind the computer and playing at being hero to say 'you are going ot die anyway make it count' i really wonder if u will act on your own words if you were there at Nanking.


The Chinese had lost, and they had to defend it, but thought it should be abandoned. From what I've read, the Japanese overran their positions and some Chinese soldiers tried to retreat, blending in with the farmers, merchants and refugees. They all were shot as they went to a wall. Several were executed when they were told they wouldnt be harmed.

The Chinese Communications were cut off and many kept fighting, while higher ups were retreating and leaving.



are you one of the dumbest people in history or is this post a joke?

a new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!
