MovieChat Forums > Nanking (2007) Discussion > Have the Chinese have massacres in Japan...

Have the Chinese have massacres in Japan similar to Nanking?

I'm a canadian borned chinese, and i am not very educated in chinese history books whether they talk about their own "massacres" accurately.

I understand that no country wants to talk about their own "unethical" acts, so I DO think no country accurately portrays themselves in any educational textbooks.

But has there been any events that compare to nanking that chinese did to japan? I'm really curious in finding the true fact, but it seems that would be difficult in today's twisted media, books, opinions and internet. obviously, it would seem like i just contradicted myself by asking here, but i'm just curious what the some opinions would be.



I was born in China, in Nanjing to be precise, but spent most of my life overseas in Australia and New Zealand. I was never taught that much about Chinese history. But, from studies at school and some knowledge passed on from my grandparents and parents, I have never heard or read anything that suggests the Chinese have done anything like what the Japanese did to the poor citizens of Nanjing. Something so horrendous and inhumane. The Chinese were pushed back by the Japanese so much, that it was impossible to directly attack Japan, the focus was more on defence first, offence later.


Since the Japanese conquest of Japan only the Mongols (twice) and the Americans invaded the islands.

But if you're courious, the Chinese commited atrocities towards the Japanese POWs, and late in and after the war also the Japanese civilians living in China (and expelled the survivors).


Not Yet!


Check "The Great Leap Forward".


The Chinese have never been militarily strong enough to do harm against anyone but themselves such as in The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution.


I beg to differ....just ask the Tibetans, Inner Mongolians and Uighurs. Hell you can even ask the North Koreans and Burmese though indirectly affected.


Well, yall are right. I was thinking of Chinese aggression against non-Chinese. If you stick with the Communist Chinese against themselves, by Howdy-Doody, Hitler never really got out of diapers by comparison. Millions and millions starved to death, or drowned, or sickened and died through the various experiments in agriculture and what have you. Some where between 60 and 100 million died in the 1960's alone. All because of bad managment, the Chinese will tell you, if they know about it in the first place.


What an eye-opening movie...for another enlightening movie try "10 Questions for the Dali Lama".

I suppose one good atrocity deserves another.


The Nanking Massacre didn't just suddenly happen overnight.
There were already clashes, including an attack on Japanese
civilians by Chinese civilians in Shanghai.


Thigs happen during wars,Are you trying to justify the Rape of Nanking ,Chinese civilian attacks Japanese in china at that time probably beacuse their country was "INVADED BY JAPAN" .

You are right about "The Nanking Massacre didn't just suddenly happen overnight. " Because it lasted over 2 weeks.
Thousands and thousands of women were rape in one of the biggest organise rape in history.

Rape is Rape, there are no excuse , you can kill during war times ,but it is inexcuseable to rape woman and children.


really? i am a woman and i think death is worse than rape. not that either are great ideas.

as for chinese aggression i don't know about numbers, but someone already mentioned the uighers, tibetans, mongolians, and manchus. those folks can't be written off under the heading of "chinese violence against chinese" because they weren't/aren't chinese, they are colonized peoples. that's like saying european violence against native americans was just inner-american conflict. not quite.

they also have been on/off trying to conquer the vietnamese for centuries. i dont know numbers, but that has been a bloody fight.


uighers, tibetans, mongolians, and manchus

Let see the United Nation charter were sign in 1945.
Xinjing , Manchuria ,inner mongolia and tibet were recognise as part of china, not colonize terrorities.
(during the international signing of UN charter, a lot of leader from everywhere came to the signing of UN charter, a map was use to show who is who and from which country, so nobody sign away anything.That map was make base on laws, treaty and history .

The reference map was use for UN charter,and that map said Xinjing , Manchuria ,inner mongolia and Tibet is part of China, and and outer mongolia was allow independence with premission and recognition from Chinese leader at the time the signing of UN charter,that is why outter monolia was not inside China's boarder ,many chinese are still not happy about the new map showing a independence of Outter mongolia,but there were negotiation and part of the deal for joining UN,and the offical Chinese leader at the time accepted it .)

Mongolian and Manchus had at one time conquar China in the past,
Tibet had invade and even briefly took control of the Chinese capital Chang'an in 763 .
Can you name a country who has n't had war with neighbor country .no one knows or can be sure who started what with who.Especially if two ethnic has been living in the same regional area for a few thousand yrs.unlike the White people who sail across ocean to take the land from the Native American a few hundred yr ago.

Can you blame the Anglo-Saxons for conquering and occupying England and destory king Arthur's kingdom camelot and round table.

The best we can do was use the UN charter in 1945 as a guideline of which terrorities belong to which country.And many country had gain independence since 1945,but those country achieve them with agreement with the country they independence from , or recognition from the international community.
The last time i check the international community recognised Xinjing , Manchuria ,inner mongolia and Tibet are part of China centuries before 1945 and after 1945 ,and after 2009

And what is chinese ?
Just the Han ethnic group who make up over 90% of china population.
Was a manchus emperor Chinese?Because if he wasn't a chinese then hundred of treaty with western nation and neigbor country about the border can be ignore by the chinese government and we will have many war and wars for the next hundred yr over the boarder.
May be it is easy for western people to group one ethnic group as chinese and then all the the rest of the non-Han ethnic people in china as non-chinese and were just colonize people.
But law is law , the International law can not recognise those people as non-chinese without invilidate hundred of treaty sign by chinese Manchus emperor .

And can you name a country with minority ethnic group ,and has no history of inequality.
There are problem with many minority ethnic group ,and they can only be solve like all minority ethnic group problem all over the world . As race relation problem within a country. It will impove over time.
But nothing will be done or solve if people from western country keep encouraging for them to seek independence

and one more thing

People Republic of China did not get UN regonised as Governement of china until 1970's.From 1949 to 1970, Republic of China (Taiwan) was recognised as the legal government of China by the UN with power of UN veto (they voted on issues like sends UN troops to Korea, Russia did not veto becuase they they left the UN meeting to protest for not recognised PROC)
In a way it was PROC's ability to take control of Xinjing , Manchuria ,inner mongolia and tibet , which allow PROC to be recognised a legal governemtn of China.
So in retrospect PROC only become China becuae only after they took control of Xinjing , Manchuria ,inner mongolia and tibet .


redpuzzlepiece said "really? i am a woman and i think death is worse than rape. not that either are great ideas."

Well, Do you know what happen during the Nanking massacre ?
About 300 Thousand civilian were kill , and thousand of women were rape, in a scale only match by the Kosovo war.(probably less rape in Kosovo than the six week of Nanking massacre)

Women were not only rape, after rape they were decapitated , to entertain Japanese troops,many chinese civilian were force to do the unthinkable, sons were force to rape their mother and sister, father were force to rape their daughter, even force to rape the dead.

The the killing and raping lasted as long as six weeks.And nobody in the Japanese command try to stop them during that six week.

The Chinese people never done anything as low as the Japanese did .
Every thing happen in Tibet can't even come anywhere near the rape and killing scale of the Nanking massacre.
during WW2 Japanese killed over 15 to 20 million chinese civilian


During the Rape of Najing, there were instances of gang rapes, by Japanese, of Chinese women -- after which the women were burned alive.

People were buried alive.

The image of throwing infants in the air and catching them on one's bayonet comes from the Japanese Rape of Nanjing.

It would be virtually impossible to find another instance in history compared to the Japanese Rape of Nanjing in which such a wide array of horrific atrocities were committed by an occupying military against a civilian population.

And what's the Japanese whine about Chinese "atrocities" committed against the Japanese in Shanghai? The Japanese were an OCCUPYING ENEMY -- and a military that also attacked CIVILIANS -- and the Chinese people had an unambiguous and unequivocal right to SELF-DEFENSE against such.


How long did the Japanese occupation of China last? -- and I ask that of those who endeavor to assert that two wrongs make a right. There was a war between Japan and Russia in 1888 -- about control over Manchuria, which is part of China, not of Japan or Russia. The Japanese won that war.

Japan was murderous against the Chinese in China -- China not being Japan, the Japanese didn't belong there as a matter of Japanese initiative and demand.

And that means they were murderous everywhere they were in China.

They were also murderous in Korea, where they established the puppet gov't of Manchukuo.

I've yet to see a Japanese directly confront the actions of her/his country and ADMIT those actions in fact occurred. Instead they irrationally, immorally, unethically, in every instance point away from themselves and make allegations which may or may not be true, but are not relevant to the issue or topic.

The West does the same: in the US, as example, the "Boxer Rebellion" -- the Chinese uprising against Western oppressions occurring in China -- is seen as hostile, and the atrocities committed in order to suppress it as "heroic" and good.

Perhaps someday the arrogant Japanese will be mature enough -- lest I say civilized -- to ADMIT to its actions against China, within, China, AND that they were both UNJUSTIFIED and INDEFENSIBLE.

Otherwise, when G. W. Bush is accurately called a torturer, we'll tolerate irrelevant comparisons such as, "Well, so was Saddam Hussein." Or: "Well, so was Tojo." That one or another was a torturer does nothing to justify Bush being that; and does nothing to justify torture. Nor does Hitler having been a torturer during WW II justify the fact that Japan was also.


It seems that everytime the Nanking Masscare is mentioned all the white mother *beep* gets all smug about "Chinese communist". But everyone gets all *beep* teary over the holocaust. So it's actually a crime for Chinese people to dare to talk about this *beep* cause our goverment isn't democratic like the Japs.
