is it real?

i was as skeptical as phychics and mediums as anyone else but when i saw this show it gave me look twice. the show clearly states that these people are not actors and did not know lisa prior to meeting her.
she is unbelievable. she gets the dead people's names from out of the air. how could anyone explain that?



There is a video on YouTube made by someone who works at a beauty salon that is supposedly "haunted" and that was featured (or will be featured) on Lisa Williams' show. She revealed that a production team came out a week before Lisa did and asked all sorts of questions. So even though Lifetime runs the disclaimer that Lisa hasn't met these people, that doesn't mean that people who work with Lisa haven't, and have fed her the pertinent information.


do you have a link? to the video?


Yes, she is definitely legit.

I'm not arguing with anyone who thinks otherwise, because that's a waste of everyone's time, and there are other threads on this board that are doing so. :-)


Well of course if the TV says its true.Obviously television networks cannot tell lies. Its simple people. The audience is full of fillers and real guests. Before the show the guests talk with the people who are planted in the audience. They feed that information to Lisa Williams. That's how these work live or on shows. Or do you also believe those reverends that heal people in wheelchairs.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
