Final Episode

If this week's episode was the last, what do you think would have happend next? What do you think would happend not just with Eli, but all of his friends and co-workers?

Have yourself a wonderful new year.


THey Cam't EaT IT THIs way!


say what??

this wasn't the final one was it??


They have filmed more episodes, but I doubt we will get to see them. ABC will problems save the rest for the DVD they will put out in September or whenever. They will make us pay 29.95 to see the remaining 4 episodes.


They may air the remains next August, with "...Dasies" and "...Sexy Money".


I can't see that happening. By August, who'll care anymore?


August?? what are the airing before then??

they should air DSM, PD and Eli in July....

they better at least release a DVD with all the episodes plus unaired ones... and better not be anymore more than $25...


I actually have it down as next week for the next episode. I don't wanna wait 12 months to see how this ends!!!!! ABC stands for Annoying Blubonic Corporation.

Tom Cruise paraphrased: 'Nutzies! I hate these guys!' --- Move over Xenu


Nope...this coming Tuesday it's an hour of "Scrubs" at 9 (eastern) and "Primetime: What Would You Do?" at 10.


I know, August sucks!! The networks are really starting to annoy me. It is no wonder that viewership on the broadcast networks is down. I wish USA Network would pick up Eli Stone, it would fit nicely with Monk and Psyche.


ABC sucks...

USA isn't much better they cancelled two of my fave shows Dead Zone and the 4400...


Actually. if they decide to revive the series to air in the summer I'd definitely would watch and care. Something is significantly better than nothing! (plus summer season is inexplicably dull, if networks spiced up their summers they'd probably see more; but this economy is kind of ruining everything so...)


Guys...assuming they have a few more produced episodes in the can, ABC is not going to bring back a dead series 8 months down the road just to burn off 2 or 3 episodes. They would have nothing to gain.

I love this show, but that ain't happenin'. If they don't run soon, they're not going to run.


The episode's in the can are meaningless at this point. Sadly to say the fans of this show were passionate in there love of this show, but too slow to organize and display support of this show.

There was no "Jericho" campaign to save this show, even though in the end "Jericho" was resurrected and died with a rushed ending due to lack of rating's support that killed it off in the first place.

The final shows might be used to fill air-space in the next few months. Yet without a good reason the coffin is closed for Eli, the nail's are in, and unless more episodes are ordered the grave will be filled in.

We can blame ABC all we want for this, but it's wrong to do so. ABC is not competing just with NBC and CBS, with the young pups of FOX/UP-whatever on the network level. Now there's cable broadcasters like HBO and Showcase cranking out shows hunting for ratings. Specialty channels like AMC have moved from showing older movies to making TV shows as well.

It's simple economics that ended the run of "Eli Stone". Where in an economy that banks and car manufacturers need bail out loans for finical life. Sadly any unprofitable show that's expensive to produce at this point in time is gone, in today's market hope isn't sold for free on TV.

if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


The cable broadcasters have an advantage in that they can run an episode more than once a week, so they get more out of one episode than the networks. I am still hoping that ABC will at least put season 2 out on DVD so we can see any remaining episodes.


I hope they do add the un-aired episodes if they release a Second Volume DVD Set. I can't call it a Season, it still feels not right. Cable broadcasters have tremendous advantages to network TV. Not only as you mentioned they can show the same episode a week, using syndication they can fill up air time with popular network TV shows.

There used to be a joke that at any given point in time, somewhere in the world "Gilligan's Island" was playing. Now it's all three versions of CSI's playing at any given same moment. Scary part at least in Canada, it happens every night, in the same late night spot all three run at the same time, some even offering back to back airings.

if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


yea they can air it in the summer when they otherwise wouldn't have anything other than mostly re-runs anyway...


"Guys...assuming they have a few more produced episodes in the can, ABC is not going to bring back a dead series 8 months down the road just to burn off 2 or 3 episodes. They would have nothing to gain."

Actually, they will have nothing to LOSE. In August, they are not looking for a gain (gains come in Sept/Oct) they are looking to sell commercial space on a notoriously dead Friday/Saturday evening. These eps were already paid for - nothing to lose, just advertising money to gain. It's a "win-win" for the network.


That was not the final episode. There are actually at least 4 more:
Sonoma, Mortal Combat, and Tailspin, and Flight Path.
The Widget on says there is an ep Tuesday, but I see no listing for it as yet.
So...if no airdates have been set yet. I would imagine by the end of Jan.
I am officially NEVER watching ABC again when this show ends.
First Boston this.
I am so SICK of abc PUSHING us to watch this stuff then cancelleing it without a care.

Be kind. Don't Flame.


yea they have nothing else to air really in the summer time anyway...

the question is were all those episodes actually filmed?? that would be great if there are 4 more episodes hopefully they sort of wrapped things up...

i don't know when they will air maybe not till summer if at all... maybe a DVD release...

Boston Legal was crappy... probably went on too long..

too bad Lost is on ABC...



the question is were all those episodes actually filmed?? that would be great if there are 4 more episodes hopefully they sort of wrapped things up...
It's becoming a trend to order shows in a block of 4 or 8 episodes, rather than a full season of episodes. If a series is popular they will forgo the block re-ordering and commission a full season. I seem to keep bringing up "Jericho", but it's an example of "Eli Stone"s predicament at ABC.

When "Jericho" was revived by an aggressive fan campaign, the network didn't order enough episodes to round off a full season. It ordered some episodes in a block, which aired with dismal ratings. So it was canceled for the second time, with a rushed ending. The network (I believe) when re-ordering "Jericho" for the last time added a clause that 2 endings be produced for the final episode of that last block in case ratings did improve, the show could continue.
if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


Daybreak didn't wrap things up either...

i guess Jericho ultimately may hurt shows in the future, since it was revived and axed again...

on the other hand though they should make shows have alternate just in case endings if they are axed early...

a rushed ending is better than a cliffhanger or no real ending at all...

also networks should be forced to order at least half a season...


I've been following this thread a couple of days and I too hope the last episodes will air soon! As far as I know there are only 3 episodes left: Sonoma, Mortal Combat and Tailspin. I've never heard of the episode Flight Plan.

In germany they start the second season in a week, with 12 episodes. And I know they will air all of them!!! But I really hope there will be a 13th episode.

I know that NBC axed "Joey" near the ending of season 2. They didn't air the last 7-8 episodes! All episodes of season 2 then did air in norway, mexico and so on. However NBC put the remaining episodes on DVD. But there is trouble with the actual DVD release. So I hope Eli Stone stays out of trouble.

One important question to me is: (Sorry when this came up before, but) When did the news, that the show is going to end, got to the filming staff? Were they in the middle of filming an episode, (maybe Episode 11 "Mortal Combat") and they knew they only have 2 more episodes left to film to get to a decent ending? Or did the news spread when they finished filming episode 13 "Flight Plan"? Because that would be the worst!!! No right ending! Or did the news arrive and they immideately stopped filming?

Hopefully they knew about the future of the show when they still had 2 or 3 episodes left to re-write and then to film, to give it a real ending.

Normally they film the episodes 4-5 weeks before they will air, but I'm no expert on that.

So, does anyone know more about that?


Supposedly, ABC told the show's producers that it had opted not to order any new episodes on November 20, 2008. Not sure how many episodes they had produced by that point, but I'm guessing around 7 or 8, and ABC allowed them to continue producing their 13 episode order.

But I'm not 100% on that.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


There's 3 or 4 episodes in the can (ready to air), the big unknown for now is if they ever are going to air the finished episodes, or just tag them onto the final DVD set.

From a production stand point, the show is dead, all they are waiting for is a final official "cancellation" so they can tear the sets down.

if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


good i just hope they air the episodes some time or put it on DVD... i hope they wrap things up and get a real ending...

what trouble are you talkin about with the DVD of Joey??


well, the first season DVD release of Joey went without a problem. The second however has not come out yet, I think. When you visit they do not sell it. You can only purchase it for more than 60$ from private users at amazon. It seems that you can purchase it in Canada. When you visit there is no news on that topic.

So I only hope that this doesn't happen to Eli Stone with its 4 episodes left.


i wonder why they never aired or released season 2 of Joey in the states..

they better not do the same thing to Eli Stone...


I think with Eli Stone they will release a second set, with the un-aired episodes. In the past when I've bought older shows on DVD sets, they include any final "un-aired" episode as part of the "bonus features"

if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


That's right. I think they will definately release the DVD with the unaired episodes. When they want to do business with the DVD releases, they will make sure that they do it with at least 13 episodes, like season 1. A DVD release with only 8 episodes would make much sense, and people probably wont buy it.

I think ABC knew at the beginning of season 2 that Eli Stone wasn't going to last, and they only want Eli Stone to continue to episode 12 or 13, so that they can at least produce a DVD to get there some money out of it. They knew it all along. I'm not saying they didn't give it a chance first. The first episodes ratings were really ok, but then the ratings went slightly downhill. All in all, that was not ok from ABC.

Actually we shouldn't buy the season 2 DVD, but we can't really do that, can't we ;)


they better include the un-aired ones... they may be trying to capitalize on people wanting to see the un-aired episodes...

hopefully they gave the show a chance to wrap up then...

not many people would buy a DVD with only 8 episodes without the unaired ones... the key is having the un-aired ones... not necessarily the number of episodes... the number really only effects the cost they could sell it at...

no one's gonna pay the same for 12-13 episodes as they would for a 20 plus episode season..
