Saving Eli

Jericho fans mailed in peanuts and Jipstick Jungle fans are mailing in lipstick. What can we do as a mass to let the network know that we want Eli to stick around?

I dont believe signing a petition gets the same response as their offices flooded with something to save the show.

Does anyone know if anything is already going on? Or what have an idea as so what to send?



If you buy Season 1 on DVD, mail a copy of the receipt in a cassette case or a cd case or whatever to ABC saying like "We Believe in Eli, here's the proof" or something like that.

DVD sales brought the show Family Guy back to life, so why not for Eli?

Tis the season for giving, and Eli I think is a gifted show.

if it's not Scottish, it's crap! Bloody Sassernachs!


It's really stupid that they are cancelling Eli and Pushing Daisies. Two of my favorites.
Unfortunately I cannot help with sending stuff to ABC, cause I'm from the Netherlands. I'm sure a lot of people outside the US want to keep Eli and Pushing Daisies on the air, so I would guess a petition would work better than.

Evenso, if we could send ABC receipts of dvd's, we wouldn't be in time, they start broadcasting series over here like half a year later and the dvd's take a while too.

Anyway, ABC sucks. Cancel Samantha Who instead, that keeps getting worse every week. Or those stupid series like True Beauty and Wipeout, The Bachelor and for instance Brothers & Sisters, don't think that's going somewhere.


Evenso, if we could send ABC receipts of dvd's, we wouldn't be in time, they start broadcasting series over here like half a year later and the dvd's take a while too.
Another poster on the website suggested that people buy the iTunes version of the recent episodes. I am not sure, but I think they are posted on a Wednesday, after a Tuesday airing on and iTunes.

And spread this sig:
[.fight7.][.b.].Save Eli Stone[./b.], get the iTunes Episodes or the Season 1 DVD. [.red.].$=Power[./red.]

Save Eli Stone, get the iTunes Episodes or the Season 1 DVD. $=Power


Guess iTunes is a good idea, but you can only buy the episodes on the US version and the accounts we create on iTunes in the Netherlands we can only use to buy music, tv shows etc on the Dutch store of iTunes. So this option won't fly either.



I just sent an email to ABC's online customer service asking about iTunes in Europe, and DVD PAL. If I hear back, I will update you in here.

ABC's Online Gift Ship - Product Suggestions

Save Eli Stone, get the iTunes Episodes or the Season 1 DVD. $=Power


haha love the George Michael idea
should send them his song "Faith" and write a message saying having a little faith in the success of the show


Try this site. Sign the Petition:


I don't think a petition will solely save Eli Stone. It's gonna take sadly $$. I bought my "Eli Stone" DVD and signed the petition as well, so I have both bases covered.

Save Eli Stone, get the iTunes Episodes or the Season 1 DVD. $=Power



please don't lose hope! it's up to us to save Eli!

I love the tag, please check me out and help via viral grass routes.
Facebook: Eli Stone-xmas
MySpace: Save-Eli-Stone-4XMas

And it you have a receipt, scan it and email me at: [email protected], the I'll post it MySpace and FaceBook. I know it's a long shot at this point, but now is the time to try.

Plus keep haunting:

All we can do it try by any type of action, not inaction.

Save Eli Stone, get the iTunes Episodes or the Season 1 DVD. $=Power



Have the producers said anything about the cancellation?

I mean, have they promised anything like some kind of wrap up? A book or posting a synopsis of what would have happened next online?
