I'm from Serbia

Hi everyone! I'm a regular visitor of the site, but it was only a month ago when i first noticed Message Boards. I'm really looking forward to see this movie. Some of the movies like Bad Company really made us look bad...but we're not. I like the movie, though. I really hope Michael Madsen will come to the premiere in Belgrade (our capital city). He is the best bad guy in the movie business, along with Mr. Walken (who actually filmed his scenes in Belgrade for "Fade to Black".

Encore, hardcore....


You Serbs have taken a bit of a bad rap recently film wise - hopefully time will sort things out a bit more. This film might put a different perspective on things as well.


the bad reputation is well deserved



I think you're right.


and what evidence do you have for that? or is this just the usual media-propagated hate speech?


And you are...exactly WHO, to say that? Just another brainwashe Balkan brain...


Sorry sir, you have absolutely no right to say that .

Titus Androgenicus



aactrooper is a troll. he trolls every movie that have any connection with Serbs or Serbia. he is so filled with hate it`s almost unbelievable. he is so out of his mind that he even had to write his *rap on Serbian zombie movie discussion board (Zone of the Dead).


Not only is he is a troll, but a liar who can't get his story straight. He claims several times he was a reporter during the wars (which ended almost 14 years ago), but then elsewhere identifies himself as an 18-year-old student. He also claims being from different places - Sweden, Ireland, etc. But I'm guess he has always been in Croatia. He's just an obnoxious, lying, hating Croat teenager. Just an example of his tales:

Wed Jun 24 2009 02:35:55

Hey people I am Croatian! And I am freaking beautifull!


I was born in Sweaden, father was a Serb, mother was a croatian woman. I was reporter during the war in Bosnia and Croatia and I wittnessed many horrible things.

Hi! I am an 18 year old guy from Croatia. I am a student. I love comics, movies, games and music. My favorite console is Wii. My favorite music is Linkin Park. My favorite movies are Star Wars, Starship Troopers and Transformers. Your turn, guys.


Here is a little something about Serbian death camps:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xox7TR11evI&feature=related
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEQpUlh51xU&feature=related
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPiAWbIbAyM&feature=related

If you don`t have time or patience to watch the whole documentary watch the second part.




I also want to see positive image of Serbian people. A lot of film and tv show only negative image and portray us all as killers or cruel people.
I would like to make some films myself in future to show positive sides to Serbian people and to show what we have suffered also.

"I fart in your general direction."




wrong and untrue, totally biased and hate filled answer from no other than a man with a black heart




Well maybe if Serbs didn't cause ww1, ww2, and attacked fellow countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Bosna, killed a bunch of people in Kosovo, maybe then the bad reputation would awoid them.


Thanks, Elmer Fudd.

This movie will do nothing to impress a good picture of serbs on the rest of the world. At least not in terms of filmmaking.

Absolutely horrible.

Also, Serbian militant campaigns have been nothing short of horrible. Much the same as most EVERY militant/military campaign.

Debt and debt and debt and debt and debt and then All will be enslaved.


Dude, you are such a loser. My guess is that you are an Albanian or a Croat who has some issues with Serbs, or that you are some ignorant Westerner who consumed large chunks of propaganda made by CNN and Fox News.

Either category you fall into, you are a moron. Congratulations!
