Best Romantic Movie???

I thought that Letters to Juliet was an amazing movie! I enjoyed it the most because unlike other romantic movies this one was able to mock romance movies and there typical corny endings! I found it very amusing :) and Amanda Seyfried was wonderful as always!
Agree/Disagree with this??


absolutely loved this film, i dont normally enjoy romantic films but this was just so moving and i loved every minute of it.


completely agree! granted, I love romantic movies like this....but this is by far one of my favorites <3

Check out my movie blog!


You guys are too easy!

This movie was boring, one-dimensional and predictable!

Not the best; one of the worst!


There he is again the most negative person ever!


I wouldn't say it's the best... but i loved it! :)

Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation price.



I am really such a hopeless romantic. Sit me down with a bunch of chickflicks, and I'll be happy.

But this one... I didn't like it. I didn't find Charlie to be likable at all. And when he started to become likable, he literally went from pissy to flirty to awkward crushing in a 5 minute window. Like, really? That's all the writers of the movie is going to give us to warm up to this man? And I seem to remember the kiss happening not even 5 minutes after that.

There was literally no reason to make him such an unlikable character. He entered the movie relatively late compared to most romcoms. He could have come in as a perfect sweetheart who is just genuinely worried about his Grams but DOESN'T hate the person who wrote it... Maybe he tries to talk her into writing another letter instead redacting the statement? She gets offended, but he meant no offense. We, as an audience, realize this, so we don't hate him, even if Sophie is kinda cold with him at first.

Then, we get to see him falling for her, and her starting to fall for him... But it's not an easy love, because we still have the fiancee waiting in the wings. Thus, a conflict still exists.

This also would have been a better story, because when he blows up at Sophie at the cemetery, we like him more, which means the blowup is more forgivable. I can't enjoy a movie if I hate the characters, and I pretty much loathed Charlie. Don't get me wrong, I loathed Victor too, but, lol...

When they pulled up to the vinyard, and Claire saw Lorenzo's grandson, I said to my friend, "Now, how about Sophie just go talk to mini-Lorenzo and fall in love with him instead? That would be a much better match."

The only enjoyable part for me was watching Claire and Lorenzo reuniting... and also seeing the ending, because like I said, I'm a hopeless romantic, and I'm a sucker for happy endings. But I still rolled my eyes at their declaration of love. I didn't even love Charlie, so I found it hard that she was IN LOVE with him. Him to her? Maybe.

Anywho, that was my take on the movie. I probably won't be rewatching it anytime soon.


This is a lovely film. That reunion scene of Claire and Lorenzo is very touching.
