pain in wrist...

So i got guitar hero2 for xmas today. And i've been playing it for a while.. took a break about 3hours ago because my wrist started hurting and still does a bit now from playing the guitar. It's the wrist which presses the keys..

So i was just wondering, is it something to do with the way i'm holding the guitar controller? or is it just me getting used to it and it will go away eventually?

cheers for any feedback.


"yeah but there's a nice smell of jasmine"


It's just your hand getting used to the guitar. Don't worry, it should go away very soon.


Yeah, my wrist use to always hurt when I playeed it. Now it only does when I have to play really fast.


You can try holding the neck a little looser. My wrist killed until I tried loosening my grip. I made a small pad for the palm of my fret hand to keep from gripping too tightly, and it worked for me.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
EDIT: If you think the sore wrist is a treat, wait'll you start getting what my buddy calls "fret board vision". That's when things you see appear to be rising steadily. It's got a Wikipedia entry as "Guitar Hero Syndrome". (yes, I know Wiki is a dubious reference. Still.....)


OMG I know! Its ike Tetris!


i know exactly what you mean, when i got guitar hero, i would play a song. then when it was over i would look away from the tv, and everything would start to "grow" it is "fun" but it is all part of the obsession.
