Raining Blood

Does anybody have any tips for Raining Blood on Expert in GHIII? I had a hell of a time getting through it on Hard, and have just recently discovered that it's nearly impossible on Expert. That intro part, the "Mosh 1" or whatever - with the four note pulloffs in succession - does anyone have any tips for how to get through it? Is it just a matter of timing and you only strum once for each four-note group? Or is it easier to strum the individual notes with the hopes that you'll hit more?


no tips man, thats the only song i couldnt beat on expert, i went to hard and got like 94% my first try

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven


Im not looking forward to getting to Raining Blood, i have been plowing through the career so far (on Medium) and all of a sudden i have got 5 songs i simply cannot do well on (Before i Forget, Stricken etc.) the game seems to hav jumpd insantly from "doable" to "hard" in one set of songs.

30 Days of Night 6.5/10
The Breakfast Club 8/10
Dial M for Murder 8/10


morphindel-1, this may be obvious but if you're not familiar with the songs you mentioned I would recommend listening to them on iTunes or whatever. That block of songs has some tricky timing issues, especially in spots that have rests when you expect notes. It helps to be as familiar with the song as you can before you play it.


haha well thats the annoying thing, i actually know all the songs apart from 3s & 7s, which is the only one i have ironically been able to play :P

30 Days of Night 6.5/10
The Breakfast Club 8/10
Dial M for Murder 8/10


whenever I talk to my friend Kevin on the phone, it always helps me with GH problems. I'm stuck on Raining Blood and on ONE on expert mode, and I used to only be able to get 38% max on Raining Blood. I got 91% while talking to my friend, but then the next day I'm stuck at 38% again. I don't know but hes like a good luck charm haha. I guess that won't really help, but try to find some like messiah to help you out.

\m/ rock on!

I got it! I got it! I got it! I don't got it.~~ High Anxiety


I just beat it on expert. It's a pain in the ass.

Hello, world.


Wow this may be the most pathetic thread I have ever stumbled across.


Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


so says the man that thinks modest mouse is the greatest band of all time

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven


OK; some tips for you.

Raining Blood - Mosh 1 - flail your fingers. Finish the first quadruplets, then immediately jump your hand to Orange then start a slide to blue, then finish the quadruplets, over and over again. When the chords start, focus less on the quadruplets, and NAIL THOSE CHORDS!!! They'll keep you alive.

Star Power does not help at all. Unless you like about 4 seconds of help, and then utter defeat.

One - Fast Solo 1 - I have not yet beaten this without SP. Save it up; you only need about half a bar to survive, so long as you move fast and alt-strum.

I don't expect to ever see an FC of One... ever.


I like modest mouse. Flibajab just has a *beep* taste in games.

Hello, world.


Guitar hero is ok but not worth the time investment you all have made.

And Modest Mouse is amazing

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time



So you've never played a game that actually takes a while to complete? Besides, it only took me a few weeks to get to where i'm at on this game. So you can shut your mouth, Mr. Sassytalker.

Hello, world.


yeah sure they are and i would bet just about anything you and your sister buy jeans in the same section

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven


haha that was kind of funny

But, sadly not the truth. I do wear clothing intended for men.

So, do you guys like wasting your life away in front of a TV pretending to be some great rock star?

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


You just said the game was okay. Now you go and insult it. Why don't you make up your mind and stop being a douche? I guess I'll just throw every video game I have away. I mean, I should stop pretending to be a killer in Grand theft auto. Or how about I stop being an agent in metal gear solid. Your right, Flibajab, I'm just going to stop playing games all together.

Hello, world.


Good. My work here is done.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


He's got a point, Flibs.
How about you stop being such a jackass? I LIKE to pretend I'm a rock hero! I ut on my glasses, tight pants, and wig and jam out in my living room, SO WHAT? JUST BECUZ I WUN T TO BE A GUITAREST DOEST MAKE ME *beep* GAY YU FAG



Okay... Maybe you should lean how to play a real *beep* guitar. It actually makes sense to pretend to kill people, cause it's illegal to do in real life. So learn the damn skill and get outside once in a while. Also get friends. And stop being retarded. And fat.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


Maybe you should lean how to play a real *beep* guitar.

How do i lean a real guitar? Can i lean a fake one?

I like how you think you know me just by the games i play. Just because i play one game doesn't make me a fat, son of a bitch.

Hello, world.


Why don't you?



i take the opinion of someone who thinks modest mouse is the greatest band ever, just about as highly as a 3 legged retarded dog.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven



You had a point until you said "Nuff said"

After that, everything else you said lost all credibility.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time



Hello, world.


Because the expression 'Nuff said is the most retarded thing to say.

Surely you agree.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


I dont like the saying, but it shouldnt cancel out everything he said. He made a good point.

Hello, world.


Not good enough to cancel the expression out. Sorry.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


Wow. You agreed with him until he said nuff said. What if he said enough said? Would that change your opinion?

Hello, world.



You had a point until you said "Nuff said"

After that, everything else you said lost all credibility.

Just as well he didnt say anything else in the post after he said that then...

A Night at the Opera 7/10
30 Days of Night 6.5/10
The Breakfast Club 8/10


I just played this game yesterday and it was *beep* amazing!!!! I COULDN'T *beep* BELIEVE IT!!!!

Ha wow I was wrong.

I apologize.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


it is a fun game. i played a few songs. but i would rather practice and get good with a real guitar rather than pretending im a good guitarist. just because you can beat a song on expert in a game, doesnt mean you can play the song with a guitar.

but it is a lot of fun. i just wont ever get serious with it. it wont be something that i'll get pissed at and quit playing.

and what wrong with modest mouse?

I like your boobies, in your shirt. Please let me show you my penis.


It was so fun

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


That's why this is a video game. Just like dance dance revolution. Their both almost the exact same thing. You play guitar hero to have fun, not to pretend your some amazing rockstar. IT'S A *beep* VIDEO GAME!!!!!!!!

Hello, world.



I totally agree now!

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time


Your being really sarcastic.

Hello, world.


No I swear this game was awesome. I honestly really do like it.

No sarcasm.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time



Hello, world.


i have heard people get really into it and get really mad when they cant beat a song. its pathetic.

I like your boobies, in your shirt. Please let me show you my penis.


pathetic just like, someone taking time to go tell other people how pathetic they are?

its just like any other great game, you get pissed off when you cant beat it/the computer wins.

i remember playing metal gear solid 1 when you face psycho mantis, that boss fight pissed me off more than any other video game i have ever played, until someone told me to plug the controller into port 2 lol

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven



you wanna know whats pathetic? people who tell people they are pathetic because he/she called others pathetic? i get mad at games. but 'mad' is held loosely. i dont scream, throw the controller, turn off the tv, or turn off the console. and i dont get overly excited either.

I like your boobies, in your shirt. Please let me show you my penis.



Wow, your kind of a douche.

Hello, world.


Metal gear solid one was an awesome game.

Hello, world.


yeah one of if not my fav ever.

i have gotten very angry over a game before, but never have or will i, throw a controller of my guitar controller or anything like that, that is just stupid, then your gonna have to spend money to replace what i just broke.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven


That is dumb. Never would i brake the damn thing, but getting a bit angry is reasonable.

Hello, world.


Your such an ass, Taco-Maniac.

Manface Smith.

Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time
