DOA or Street Fighter

which movie is beyond worse? (I don't know if anyone did a post of this, but lets pretend that the individual didn't.)

~Don't like what I said, then eat my f---, bitches!~


DOA is way better than SF:LOCL but If DOA would have focused more on the ninja plots than the goofier aspects of the games it would have been awesome.

"Tell me something, my friend.You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? " Batman '89



I actually liked Dead or Alive. It was goofy, entertaining, and it didn't take itself seriously. Legend of Chun Li was just a disaster. Bad decisions from writing to casting, and everything in-between. It tried way too hard.

Movies I've seen in 2010:


Considering I just borrowed both and saw both for the first time, I would agree.

DOA is sort of action fun with everything you would expect, although I wouldn't call the fighting action A+, it get's a solid B+ from me.

For DOA they sort of went for the fun over the realistic and it largely worked. Too bad the direction and script were poor. (They could have used Jenna Jamesons comedic abilities for example) And although the actors give good performances for their roles, they needed superior actors if they were going to elevate the characters and make them believeable, they almost succeeded in my opinion.

In Revenge of Chun Li, they try to base it on reality far too much. (Chun Li as homeless, and cross country revenge wtf?) But instead just come off as tryhard. Also Klein with his incredibly bad tough guy act spoils the whole tone of the film, imagine if he was played by Matt Damon or some other real tough guy. Poor script (voiceovers), and subpar directing make this pretty much a b movie.

People go way overboard with the criticism though. The director and writing were all b grade and the actors were good but not that good. In my view it's sort of reminds me of 'The Losers' but without the superior actors to elevate the crappy material and direction. 'The Losers' was a solidly mediocre action movie which was only enjoyable due to the superior actors and their charisma.


I thought the homeless stuff in Street Fighter was absolutely hilarious. Kristin Kreuk played the cleanest and prettiest homeless person that I've ever seen. I actually like her as a somewhat average actress, but she was completely wrong for that part. The only acting choice I actually liked was Moon Bloodgood, and that's because her character was completely made up. It was impossible for them to screw that up, like they did with Bison and Gen and virtually everyone else. As bad as The Legend of Chun Li was, though, it was a masterpiece compared to the movie I saw right before it. Dragonball: Evolutions. *shudder*

Movies I've seen in 2010:


B grade? I think D- grade would suffice. The movie was terrible. Usually I take up for even the worst of movies, but this one I could not. But compared to DBE... it was like desert verses mud.
