Maybe its just me but...

I didnt think it was that bad, yeah it had some really bad acting moments, but what movie doesnt?

Again maybe its just me, but I liked this movie and didnt think it was as bad as everyone made out to be.

Monopoly is just a game senator, Im trying to control the f---ing world!-Robin Williams


For me its just that it didn't feel like Street Fighter. Thank God, SSFIV comes out later this month. More of a reason to forget this abomination.


Add me as another person that enjoys the movie.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


I really enjoyed it too.



This movie was total sh*t, get some taste


The weird thing is that I visited this board when the movie came out in the theaters and it had a high 8 rating. I am surprised to see the 3.9 rating now. I do not bash any movies anymore since I realize that all Hollywood movies suck now. I never go to the theater anymore, I just wait to watch it free when it comes on TV (I currently have a free trial of HBO and was able to watch this). The days of excellent movies are long gone.


I thought this movie was quite well done with the only exception being the whole police/love story sub-plot with nash and whats-her-face.

It has a likeable protagonist, an evil but human villain and a happy ending.

It's no Mortal Kombat, but its no Mortal Kombat: Armageddon either.



It was okay, I just wished Chung Li would've used her actual costume and super kick thingy. 5/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


"yeah it had some really bad acting moments, but what movie doesnt?"

um actually a lot of movies don't have really bad acting moments
this movie is terrible and it's not only due to the bad acting, but also the terrible story, effects, and direction
