Chun Li had no a$$


What happened happened and can't happen any other way


No boobs or thighs either.


I would have enjoyed this movie a lot better if they would have had thick actress playing Chun Li, instead they give us *beep* Lana Lang.

What happened happened and can't happen any other way



Good job Gomer, I'm talking about the actress playing her in the movie. Now the REAL Chun Li was THICKA THAN A SNICKA, lol. Bested only by Serena Williams.

What happened happened and can't happen any other way



Well I couldn't see ur busted links so...I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Didn't think you'd say Lana Lang of all females was stacked at all...

and with ur second sentence, you've obviously never seen porn have you...

What happened happened and can't happen any other way



I respect your opinion but that's exactly my point there ARE women out there with the build to be a potential Chun Li, and Hollywood decides to cast anorexia over grade A rump roast.
-That debunks your thoery right there!

What happened happened and can't happen any other way



I'm not really discussing ethnicity. Chun Lis figure is fantasy, but you got to admit, they could have at least cast a women with some hips...something, rather than nothing.

lol, you're right, I've never seen an asian girl who had a full figure...

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


I'll admit that the "stereotypical" Asian women will be seen more as lean and petite. But I come from a city with a very high Asian count and I have seen PLENTY of Asian ( Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese) girls that have curvaceous figures. So I really don't think that Miss Kreuk was the only option. And not all girls who are curvy have had surgical enhancements.

I think that Brenda Song would have been a good candidate. Shes not voluptuous but she has nice hips, haha.


Anyways, no woman on the planet fits the dimension of Chun Li. Why? Because she's an exaggerated cartoon with dimensions that could never be realistic.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Some college gymnasts have Chun Li's EXACT build. All it took was a little looking on the director's part and we could have have a real Chun Li!

You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple-- Bruce Lee


This was the biggest flaw in the movie. And thus it's going back to the top of the boards.



You seem unnecessarily angry about this topic. So you like skinny white girls? Big deal, you'll find life easier if you just accept that not everyone is going to have the same opinions as yours.


You are being unnecessarily rude. This is my opinion. Not everyone has to be a stick in order to do martial arts or physical activities. Brenda Song is actually trained in martial arts and did most of her stunt-work in her movie : Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior. So do your research before you post ignorant comments, idiot.



you honestly believe in order to be stacked a female has to weigh a ton? Wow.

I've known women who are curvy but aren't over 150.

Also its kinda offensive to think that big ppl can't do martial arts

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


Chun has no ass to begin with...

She has big thighs though.

Funny to watch idiots actually believing society cares for them.^_^
