Fav Quote

What's your fav quote on Sam n Max Ep 1?

mines: sam: do you have weaseals on a stick?


Soooo much to choose from but maaaaybeee...

"Oh for the love of... I wish I could unsee that!"


"Remember our trip to the moon, Max?
Like cottage cheese through a strainer, Sam.
You continue to baffle me, little pal."

If you can't say anything bad about yourself I'm not interested.


From Ep. 2, I love this one:

Sam: "Someone once told me that the contents of a lava lamp make an excellent hand cream."
Max: "That was me."
Sam: "Which is why I haven't tried it."


Sam: "Where's my banjo?"
Max: "I've hidden it, for the good of humanity."

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
But it makes a pretty good milkshake.
