it's probably just me

But this Melissa Halstrom actress is way prettier to me then Kaley Cuoco. i guess i just don't like hollister overtanned look in a girl..
and meliss halstrom has GORGEOUS hair.
it's a decent movie.


"She would be REALLY pretty if she lost weight"
This is such an over-used line, but so true, in her case. If she was average sized then I would agree with you.


But this Melissa Halstrom actress is way prettier to me then Kaley Cuoco. i guess i just don't like hollister overtanned look in a girl..

you're guilty of reverse prejudice. just like all obese people are judged by their appearance, you're doing the same to the Hollister/Abercrombie group.


i never said i wasn't prejudice.


fair enough - honesty always works.


Melissa Halstrom (Ramona) is really pretty, but she was an AMAZING actress in this movie!!!!! i dont know if anyone has mentioned it yet but I found her on myspace just do a search with her name. Spread the word - we want to see more of her


I wouldn't go that far and say she's a good actor without seeing something else she's been in - that's like saying an actual cheerleader was really good in a cheerleader movie, or like saying cowboys are great actors in cowboy movies.

I wonder how much was acting and how much was re-enacting actual experiences.

"The world is full of empty people."


don't you think thats kinda like saying all people would be good in a movie about people, since we're all people? just 'cause shes a fat girl playing a fat girl doesn't mean the actual ACTING involved would automatically be good. anyway, I personally enjoyed her performance and would love to see her in more stuff


yeah, that much I agree on, she made the part believable and she was good in the part, but as someone who's studied acting (even tho I'm not that great at it) I know that anger and other negative emotions are the easiest to act out. I guess it's because it's lot harder to act sad or angry (convincingly) than it is happy or excited.

"The world is full of empty people."


I think most of you missed the point of the movie.


the point being...?


The point being that you shouldn't go around saying things like "She would be so much prettier if she lost weight." That was one of the biggest points of the movie. I have several friends that are very overweight and believe me, that's one of the most hurtful things you can tell a fat person. It's like saying "You know it really is your fault that you're not pretty".

Think about the differences between the character of Ally and her brother. One of them got the genes to be thin, the other didn't. And despite all of her experiences, Ally still didn't totally understand how people who are overweight don't have as much control over their bodies as others would like to think - after all, she still accuses her mother of "teaching her brother bad habbits" like having dessert after meals or going out for junk food when he was sad. If a thin person had those same habbits, would they still be considered bad?


^^^^^i agree with cloie827^^^^^
