Just sayin

This was a great movie!!!


Are you an HP/Luna fan? sounds like it with a name like that lol :D

I thought the movie was a good commentary at how people are judged by appearances. The way I see it, being "different" these days is a liability and you're bound to face hardship if you don't fit into the "normal" mold. Short, tall, skinny, fat, nerdy, geeky, jock, cheerleader, brainiac, blonde, too young, too old - when people judge using preconceived stereotypes, we all lose.


Yea, HP nerd all the way,
I thought the story was really good behind it all


i loved it SO much!!!! kaley was still pretty in the fat suit too. im watchin it right now for the second time and i still am amazed.

"Oh, I wish..."
