MovieChat Forums > The Children of Huang Shi (2008) Discussion > any japanese seen this? what do you thin...

any japanese seen this? what do you think?

I want to know what's the japanese viewer side of the matter.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...



i disagree with the second statement. americans are very much aware of their "grotesque rampages and massacres" as u have so put across. look all around u. what do u see on tv? cynical humor made by americans for americans poking fun at americans. take for example the simpsons cartoon mocking the average american suburban family. father is fat and drinks beer while his son greets him by his first name homer. and i'm sure u are aware of fahrenheit 9/11 so i won't go into detail from here.


I don't watch TV, but I do read many American publications and I know exactly what garbage the media put forth under the guise of balance and truth. It's certainly true that The Simpsons (which I do watch) is very mocking, and I have always assumed that this is an acknowledgement by Fox, who are probably the worst offenders, that dissent which makes so much money has to be tolerated.

As for Fahrenheit 9/11, I trust you are joking? *Anything* with Michael Moore's name attached attracts the right-wing and nutjob loons like flies on dung. According to them (and you must bear in mind that even those people Americans call liberals are far further to the right than anything we have in Europe) MM is a fat commie sellout liar. Or are you trying to tell me that even people who disagree with his political stance give him credit? Hah.

I stand by my earlier comment. Most American citizens know nothing at all about the world outside the US, and care even less. You certainly are unaware of your country's worst excesses, because they are never, ever, reported by the mainstream media. You are lied to by the media and by the various administrations (and there's no difference between the elephant and the donkey) from the moment you are born, so in many ways you can't be blamed for your ignorance of these things.


"You certainly are unaware of your country's worst excesses"

bogwart-1, or should i call u nitwit?

firstly i am NOT american. and it is strange that someone who is so discerning in his posts about the US, reads US publications and above all appears to demonstrate such profound in-depth foresight can make such a mistake in judging a person's nationality only through a single thread reply. needless to say, through this simple act alone that u have committed, u have overruled all that u have put forth in your argument. it means that people reading your posts, americans, europeans, asians etc., cannot take u seriously. u are just as bad as the political liars who say one thing on tv and do the other. u have become the very same people in US that u so bash in your posts only to face the mirror and find yourself just like them. translation: u spat into the wind.

but seeing that u are just urging for a good debate even though there are huge gaps in your teeth that u lie through, i shall oblige. u say nothing is never ever reported by the mainstream media. wake up kid! every country's mainstream media let alone the US does NOT report the truth. if u are thinking of contesting this then u will prove to everyone that u are from amsterdam and high on weed. that is why everyone including MOST americans go to alternative sources that are far more credible and more widely available than countries outside the US and the EU. it was an american who created youtube nitwit! oh so are u now gonna say the stuff on youtube is fake mainstream media too? only those who watch the mainstream media without taking a pinch of salt are the ones that ALLOW themselves to be lied to. but yeah guess what? we all already know that so don't even think u are so smart by posting that just so u can impress a couple of girls with your astute political knowledge!

oh yes and one more thing... i don't blame u for your ignorance either in fact i forgive u. i would love to unwittingly brand u a pompous european at this point in time but i refuse to spit in the wind just like u did :-)

goodbye...enjoy your invaluable thought provoking US publications reading...


For someone who claims to be not American you certainly write and behave like one; that is the basis upon which I judged your nationality.

And in answer to your first question: no, you should not call me nitwit. One day, when you have grown up, you will perhaps learn that calling people names does not provoke discussion but retaliation.

In the meantime please do learn to use what is obviously your first language, and if you wish to continue to insult people then stick to YouTube, which is swarming with little reptiles just like yourself.


is this what u call your retaliation?

nice comeback nitwit. i'm learning heaps from u every time u post and i don't even speak YOUR language! just a very stark ethnocentric view of the world from yourself is sufficient for me to roll my eyes and move on. i have hundreds of impressions of u already right down to the way u look and speak but nonetheless i'll keep them to myself. as they always say, if u don't have anything good to say about a person then don't say it all.

oh and if i sound like an american, then i guess u don't sound like anyone at all. because all the people that i have come across from all parts of the world, they sure don't say stuff like u do and brand people when all they have as knowledge is a couple of US publications. that's just it. u sound like yourself. my condolences mr. nobody.


"when the time is right i will emerge from the shadows and the whole world will declare me as the best!"

Just about covers your act, doesn't it? Certifiably insane. Must be all that climbing and jumping you do, just like the average cockroach.


nice of u to identify and acknowledge my ability elsewhere. once u are done lurking around my profile like the brainless coward u are, maybe i can finally get that retaliation u were talking about...


U 2 STFU. If you wanna talk about Americans go make a new thread ffs.




lol agreed remember this was a thread about a movie? A good one at that...


The Japanese murderers who committed these heinous barbarities are from 1937, which is 72 years ago. These Japanese savages from 1937 were either killed by U.S. Marines or U.S. Army infantry on long-forgotten isolated Central Pacific islands; or else bombed into oblivion by the U.S. Navy. If any of these yellow murderers survived the war, they're either dead of old age and burning in hell, or else pretty close to it now.

I'm not going to hold China 1937 against today's Japanese who weren't alive in 1937 or else were of child age which would still make them very old people today. Justice is already served. These 1937 dishonorable Japanese imperial soldiers are long dead and in hell, which is good enough for me.

By the Japanese code of Bushido, these imperial Japanese soldiers dishonored themselves and the Japanese emperor, and by their own culture are obligated to commit seppuku. May their souls rot in some forgotten Buddhist hell, or otherwise.
