MovieChat Forums > The Switch (2010) Discussion > I almost loved it, but...(spoilers)

I almost loved it, but...(spoilers)

I expected to hate this movie because of the "I impregnated you without your consent" aspect and while that was definitely unsettling, I didn't hate it.

I loved Wally and Sebastian together, I keep reading people say he was an awful, miserable child, but I think they did a decent job of showing that he was just different and needed people in his life who understood him. Of course I wanted Kassie and Wally to end up together but I'm annoyed that the movie didn't do that in a way that was satisfying. Here's what I needed:

- Wally is either completely insane or he was so out of it that his usual sense of morality was absent, hard to buy when minutes before he was chit chatting it up with Roland. Could Juliette Lewis' character not make some comment about the drug's effect later? Could Wally not end up in the freaking hospital or naked on the street rather than just pukey and rambly? Switching the semen isn't some drunken hijink. It's effing crazy!I needed the movie to remove his moral culpability for me and get rid of the ickiness.

- Kassie goes from "Never contact us again" to what reads like "Oh crazy old Wally, sure I'll marry you" in no time. I wanted to see him explain it better, so I could accept her acception of what is a massive violation.

Yeah, I know. I'm putting too much thought into it. But for me the lingering ick factor that tainted an otherwise really sweet movie could easily have been dealt with.


I think this is a good analysis. I do think they tried to remove the moral culpability some by having him black out.

I especially agree that they flip from "never contact us again" to the rapprochement was too fast. They should have had her say what she told him, that he should be able to have contact with his son "on her terms", and then added a few minutes (of screen time; maybe a few months within the storyline) of her warming back up to him in the process of those visits.

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