Older Sebastian

So, I noticed in the credits that the kid who played Sebastian's older brother was credited for playing "older Sebastian." Where in the movie was "older Sebastian?" Am I just that unobservant that I didn't notice the actor change? I swear he looked the exact same from start to finish.


Yeah, apparently that is Bryce, and not Thomas.

I thought it was Thomas still too..... guess not


He was older looking at the very end but I just that they shot those scenes sometime after the movie had wrapped. They must look like twins then because they look a lot alike.

The Eraser room does two things: Cleans erasers and takes our innocence.


I was wondering the exact same thing! Specifically at exactly which part of the movie they "switched" *wink* the younger Sebastian with the older one. I hadn't noticed it at all.



I don't think the finished movie in the theaters had "older Sebastian" - if you watch the alternate ending on the DVD, there's a scene that takes place '3 years later', that's where the older version appears.


Who would buy the DVD? Lol, not even worth it.


Yeah, it's just too bad there's no way to somehow pay a little bit of money each month to temporarily possess a few different DVD or BD copies of films to view in your own home, on a rotating basis.


What a great idea about renting dvd's. Maybe I could do it and called it Net-o-flicks or something.


In the altnernate ending feature on the blu-ray, the director said that the end of the movie was taped 7 months later, leaving time for Thomas to grow and look much older than his last birthday. So I don't know who the "Older-Sebastian" was...hmmm


It was Thoma's older brother.


Sebastian's brother? Did I miss a scene or two?

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No, he was in the alternative ending, exclusively for DVD and blu-ray, correct me if I'm wrong.
I didn't see it, but if anyone did, please tell us what the scene was about!


Apparently "older Sebastian" is seen in a photo at the end of the movie when they show all the frames that finally have pictures in them.


Here is the alternate ending with the older actor if anyone missed it: http://youtu.be/Kt8OGikXU-I


Thanks, that's very interesting! Neat twist, to have his younger sibling end up being Patrick Wilson's child. Although that means Aniston's character was way too young in the earlier part of the film to be panicking about her biological clock.

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